© Borgis - Nowa Stomatologia 1/2010, s. 15-20
*Agnieszka Bruzda-Zwiech1, Magdalena Wochna-Sobańska1, Feliks Kacprzyk2, Rafał Zwiech2
Nawyki higieniczne, a wskaźniki stanu zdrowia jamy ustnej u pacjentów po przeszczepie nerki
Oral hygiene behaviours and the oral health indices in renal transplant recipients
1Katedra i Zakład Stomatologii Wieku Rozwojowego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. n. med. Magdalena Wochna-Sobańska
2Zakład Transplantologii Nerek Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. n. med. Feliks Kacprzyk
Renal transplant recipients, due to immunosuppressive therapy, are predisposed to a variety of oral problems such as gingival overgrowth, periodontal diseases and oral mucosa infections. Proper oral hygiene habits, which can reduce the risk of dental plaque related diseases, seem to play important role in these patients.
The study aimed at evaluation of the oral hygiene behaviours in renal graft recipients and analysis whether it had any influence on values of oral health indices.
A questionnaire survey and dental examination was conducted in ninety one patients aged 22 to 71 years who underwent kidney allograft transplantation within last 10 years. The level of oral hygiene was assessed with the OHI-S index, dental caries with DMFT and periodontal status was determined with the CPITN index and percentage of gingival hyperplasia. Results of clinical examination of the oral health were used to study statistical comparations with data from the questionnaire.
The study indicates on improper oral hygiene behaviours in of renal graft recipients – 34.06% brush teeth only once a day and and 59.34% use nor dental floss or toothpicks.
OHI-S values was statistically higher in patients who brush teeth only once a day, and code 2 CPITN was more often noticed comparing with patients who brush teeth twice a day or more. The prevalence of gingival hyperplasia was also higher in participants who brush teeth once a day, both in all group and in subgroup treated with cyclosporine A.
High percentage of patients after renal transplantation with improper oral hygiene behaviours indicates the need for the education on insufficient oral hygiene impact on oral and general health.

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