© Borgis - Nowa Stomatologia 2/2010, s. 87-90
*Magdalena Dragan, Magdalena Napora
Zastosowanie pasty Colgate Total Advanced w leczeniu zwiększonej nadwrażliwości zębiny – ocena kliniczna
The usage of paste Colgate Total Advanced in treatment of dentine hypersensitivity – clinical estimate
Zakład Chorób Błony Śluzowej i Przyzębia Instytutu Stomatologii Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. n. med. Renata Górska
Background: Dentine hypersensitivity is defined as transitional pain with differentiated intensity caused by mechanical, chemical, osmotics stimuli. Dental recession, periodontitis with clinical attatchment loss>3 mm, periodontal treatment, supra- and subgingival scaling, surgical treatment that may cause the removal of cementum layers from dental root surface, thus causing dental hypersensitivity. The prevalence of hypersensitivity ranges from 3 to 98%.
Objectives: The article presents the results of clinical study on efficacy of Colgate Total Advanced paste used in treatment of dentine hypersensitivity.
Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 21 people aged 18-35 with full dentition suffering from dentine hypersensitivity 2 weeks after scaling. On the first visit the questionnaire considering oral hygiene was given and periodontal examination was performed (CMF index, API, GI were assessed). As to establish the degree of dentine hypersensitivity, tooth's buccal surface reaction to dental unit syringe's air blast was evaluated (according to VAS scale).
The patients were given Colgate Total Advanced paste to be used twice a day for 2 weeks. Control examination (questionnaire and clinical) was performed after 2 weeks.
Results: 77% of patients were satisfied with the results of using Colgate Total Advanced paste. 90% of patients indicated the reduction of dental hypersensitivity pain. Gingival bleeding was reduced in 36% of patients using Colgate Total Advanced paste.
Conclusions: Colgate Total Advanced paste gives subjective clinical improvement in patients suffering from dentine hypersensitivity.

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otrzymano: 2010-02-22
zaakceptowano do druku: 2010-04-14
Adres do korespondencji:
*Magdalena Dragan
Zakład Chorób Błon Śluzowych i Przyzębia Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
ul. Miodowa 18, 00-246 Warszawa
tel./fax: (22) 502-20-36
e-mail: sluzowki@am.edu.pl
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