© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 6/2012, s. 508-515
*Anna Fryzowicz, Paweł Koczewski
Ocena skuteczności leczenia nierówności kończyn dolnych metodami blokowania chrząstek wzrostowych
Efficacy of the treatment of the leg length discrepancy with epiphysiodesis
Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Traumatology, University Medical Sciences, Poznań
Head of Department: Prof. Andrzej Szulc, MD, PhD
Wstęp. W pracy przedstawione zostały wyniki leczenia nierówności kończyn dolnych (kkd) metodą Phemistera, skoblami Blounta oraz techniką Metaizeau.
Materiał i metody. Materiał obejmuje 51 pacjentów w wieku od 9 lat, 4 miesięcy do 15 lat, 4 miesięcy (średnia 12 lat i 6 miesięcy), których leczono różnymi metodami blokowania chrząstek wzrostowych z powodu nierówności kkd o średniej wielkości 3,9 cm (2,0-11,5), o różnej etiologii. Średnia okresu obserwacji wynosiła 6 lat i 6 miesięcy.
Wynik leczenia oceniano na podstawie pomiaru klinicznego nierówności kkd, stosując klasyfikację Kemnitza i Campensa.
Wyniki. Wynik dobry uzyskano u 74,5% pacjentów, wynik zadowalający u 5,9% pacjentów, a zły u 19,6% pacjentów. Średnia nierówności kkd po zakończeniu wzrostu kkd wynosiła 1,8 cm. Grupa, w której blokowano tylko segment udowy charakteryzowała się większą korekcją nierówności kkd i lepszym wynikiem leczenia niż grupa, w której blokowano sam segment goleniowy. Najczęstszym powikłaniem było koślawe zagięcie osi blokowanej kończyny dolnej (kd), które wystąpiło u 5 pacjentów (9,8%).
Wnioski. Najwyższą skuteczność epifizjodezy obserwuje się u pacjentów, u których blokowano segment udowy. Zaburzenie osi blokowanej kd jest najczęstszym powikłaniem leczenia.
Introduction. Material presents the outcome of the treatment of the lower limb discrepancy (LLD) with epiphysiodesis using Phemister, Blount’s and Metaizeau techniques.
Materials and methods. The study included 51 patients, with mean age 12 years and 6 months (from 9 years, 4 months to 15 years, 4 months), who underwent epiphysiodesis with different techniques due to LLD with the mean value 3.9 cm (2.0-11.5), with different etiology. Mean follow-up was 6 years and 6 months.
Kemnitz and Campens classification based on clinical measurement of LLD was used to assess the outcome of the treatment.
Results. Good result was obtained in 74.5% of the patients, fair result in 5.9% and bad result in other 19.6%. The mean final LLD was 1.8 cm. The group in which the epiphysiodesis was performed only on the femur got greater correction and better outcome than the group in which the epiphysiodesis was performed only on the tibia. The most common complication was valgus deformity, occurred in 5 patients (9.8%).
Conclusions. The greatest efficiency of the epiphysiodesis is obtained in patients with their femur blocked. Axial deformity is the most common complication of this treatment.

Epiphysiodesis is an accepted method for treating leg length discrepancy (LLD) in growing children. Open epiphysiodesis, firstly described by Phemister (1) in 1933, was followed by other methods: in 1949 epiphyseal stapling described by Blount and Clarke (2), in 1986 – Canale’s percutaneous epiphysiodesis (3), in 1998 – percutaneous epiphysiodesis using transphyseal screws by Metaizeau (4). This study presents outcome of the treatment of leg length discrepancy with Phemister, Blount’s and Metaizeau techniques.
Material consists of 51 patients – 27 girls and 24 boys – selected from the 212 patients who, in years 1960-2008, underwent epiphysiodesis due to LLD in our Department. Criteria for inclusion in the study were: (1) complete documentation of clinical examination before the surgery and after growth-plates closure and (2) no other surgical interventions that could influence the outcome. Preoperational data for every patient as well as the outcome of the treatment for 34 patients were gained from the archive. Other 17 patients were recently assessed by clinical and radiological examination during final follow up.
Etiologic factors are presented in table 1.
Table 1. LLD etiologic factors.
Hypoplasia of the lower limb | 11 |
Idiopathic LLD | 8 |
Congenital dislocation of the hip | 8 |
Osteomyelitis | 7 |
Pediatric hip diseases | 4 |
Club foot | 3 |
Neurogenic | 2 |
Traumatic | 2 |
Other: – Solitarybone cyst – Sclerodermia – Arteriovenous fistula – Femoral bone chondroblastoma – Congenital coxa vara – Recklinghausen disease | 6 |
The average metrical age at the time of surgery was 12 years, 6 months(range: 9 years, 4 months – 15 years, 4 months), for girls – 11 years, 11 months (range: 9 years, 10 months – 13 years, 9 months) and for boys – 13 years, 2 months (range: 9 years, 4 months – 15 years, 4 months).
Skeletal age using the J. Kopczyńska-Sikorska’s atlas (5) was determined for 39 patients who had in their documentation hand’s and wrist’s radiograms. The average skeletal age at the time of surgery was 12 years, 2 months (range: 9 years – 14 years, 6 months), for girls – 11 years, 5 months(range: 9 years – 13 years) and for boys – 12 years, 11 months(range: 10 years – 14 years, 6 months).
The timing of the epiphysiodesis was determined with Anderson-Green method (6).
Mean follow-up was 6 years, 6 months (range: 1 year, 9 months – 19 years, 6 months). All cases were followed up to skeletal maturity.
The mean preoperative clinical LLD was 3.9 cm (range: 2.0-11.5). Radiological LLD (available only in 24 patients) was 3.5 cm (range: 1.4-6.6). Outcome assessment was based on clinical examination.
Phemister technique was performed in 44 patients, Blount’s stapling – in 6 patients (in one patient both techniques were combined on different levels) and Metaizeau technique – in 2 patients. The site of the epiphysiodesis was distal femur in 24 patients, proximal tibia in 8 patients, both levels in 19 patients.
For 43 patients the goal of the treatment was equalization, for 3 patients – planned 1-2 cm inequality (due to dysfunction on different level: hip or foot stiffness) and for other 5 patients with high LLD the goal was to decrease inequality only. According to Kemnitz (7) and Campens (8) criteria final result within 1.5 cm from the assumption was assessed as good, between 1,5 and 2.0 cm – as fair, and more than 2.0 cm – bad result.
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1. Phemister DB: Operative arrestment of longitudinal growth of bones in the treatment of deformities. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1933; 15: 1-15.
2. Blount WP, Clarke GR: Control of bone growth by epiphyseal stapling: preliminary report. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1949; 31: 464-478.
3. Canale ST, Russel TA, Holcomb RL: Percutaneous epiphysiodesis, experimental study and preliminary clinical results. J Pediatr Orthop 1986; 6: 150-156.
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5. Kopczyńska-Sikorska J: Atlas radiologiczny rozwoju kośćca dłoni i nadgarstka. Warszawa, Wyd. PZWL 1969.
6. Anderson M, Green WT, Messnes MB: Growth and prediction of growth in the lower extremities. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1963; 45: 1-14.
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