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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 12/2013, s. 906-909
*Marcin Gierach, Joanna Gierach, Agnieszka Skowrońska, Roman Junik
Guzy neuroendokrynne – insulinoma w praktyce klinicznej
Neuroendocrine tumors – insulinoma in clinical practise
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology of Ludwik Rydygier, Collegium Medicum, Bydgoszcz,
University of Nicolaus Copernicus, Toruń
Head of Department: Roman Junik, PhD
Wstęp. Insulinoma należy do najczęstszych nowotworów neuroendokrynnych trzustki z określonymi problemami w diagnostyce, lokalizacji i leczeni.
Cel pracy. Celem naszego badania było przedstawienie problemów diagnostycznych i klinicznych w rozpoznawaniu insulinoma.
Materiał i metody. Do badania włączyliśmy 74 pacjentów (52 kobiety i 22 mężczyzn) hospitalizowanych w Klinice Endokrynologii i Diabetologii Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu w latach 2001-2010 z powodu klinicznego podejrzenia insulinoma: osłabienie, potliwość, pogorszenie ostrości wzroku, splątanie i zawroty głowy. U wszystkich pacjentów wykonano 72-godzinny test głodowy, który jest uznany za złoty standard w rozpoznawaniu insulinoma.
Wyniki. W naszym badaniu triada Whipple’a (neuroglikopenia, obniżony poziom glukozy we krwi < 40 mg/dl, natychmiastowe ustąpienie objawów po przyjęciu glukozy) wystąpiła tylko u 10 z 74 pacjentów (8 kobiet i 2 mężczyzn). Wykonaliśmy badania obrazowe, takie jak: ultrasonografia, tomografia komputerowa, scyntygrafia receptorowa z użyciem analogu somatostatyny oraz ultrasonografia endoskopowa w całej grupie badawczej. Insulinoma uwidoczniono u jednego pacjenta za pomocą tomografii komputerowej (guz 2 cm usytuowany na granicy głowy i trzonu trzustki) oraz u kolejnych dwóch badanych osób przy użyciu ultrasonografii endoskopowej.
Wnioski. Docelowym leczeniem insulinoma jest chirurgiczne usunięcie guza, skuteczne w 90% przypadków. Jednak rozpoznanie insulinoma jest bardzo trudne, pomimo dostępności wielu metod.
Introduction. Insulinoma belongs to the most functional pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms, with specific problems in their diagnosis, localization and treatment.
Aim. The aim of our study was to describe diagnostic problems, clinicians cope to correctly determine insulinoma.
Material and methods. We included 74 patients (52 females and 22 males) admitted to the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń between 2001 and 2010, because of clinical suspicion of insulinoma: weakness, sweating, blured vision, confusion and dizziness. They all were subjected to a 72-hour-fasting test, which is considered as the gold standard to recognize insulinoma.
Results. In our study the Whipple’s triad (neurologic symptoms of hypoglycemia, blood glucose levels less than 40 mg/dl and immediate alleviation of symptoms after glucose ingestion) was present only in 10 of 74 patients (8 females and 2 males). We implemented ultrasonography, computed tomography, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy and endoscopic ultrasonography. Only in one of the patients with diagnosed insulinoma a single tumor (2 cm), situated on a border of head and corpus of pancreas, was localized with the use of the computed tomography. Also in two of the patients with the use of the endoscopic ultrasonography an insulinoma was recognized.
Conclusions. Treatment strategy of insulinoma is surgical removal of the tumor. A simple enucleation of the tumor is successful in over 90% of cases. The diagnosis of insulinoma is very difficult, despite available investigative methods.

Insulinoma belongs to the most functional pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms, with specific problems in their diagnosis, localization and treatment. Over 90% of the cases are caused by a single, usually benign, neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas (1-6). The diagnosis of insulinoma should be considered if clinical symptoms of hypoglycemia occurred. The gold standard to recognize insulinoma is the 72-hour-fasting test, where the Whipple’s triad is present (4, 7-9).
The aim of our study was to describe diagnostic problems, clinicians cope to correctly determine insulinoma.
Material and methods
We included 74 patients (52 females and 22 males) admitted to the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń between 2001 and 2010, because of clinical suspicion of insulinoma: weakness, sweating, blured vision, confusion and dizziness.
They all were subjected to a 72-hour-fasting test, which is considered as the gold standard to recognize insulinoma. Also the imaging research of localization were performed.
The 72-hour-fasting test started at 6.00 pm. During the test patients were allowed to drink only calorie-free drinks.
We observed, in the time of a prolonged fasting test, clinical symptoms of hypoglycemia such as: central nervous system disorders, sweating, weakness, palpitations etc. If clinical symptoms of neuroglycopenia occurred, a venous blood sample was taken and plasma glucose, insulin, pro-insulin and C-peptide were measured at the time of the episodes. Fasting plasma pro-insulin, insulin and C-peptide were investigated by means of ELISA test. If plasma glucose levels were below 40 mg/dl (2.2 mmol/l) and the level of serum insulin was elevated over 6 μIU/ml, proinsulin over 5 pmol/l or C-peptide > 0.6 ng/ml, we were able to set a proper diagnosis.
Patients who were prescribed sulfonylurea derivatives or insulin, patients with critical illness, renal and hepatic failure, hipocorticoidism and sepsis were excluded from our study.

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otrzymano: 2013-09-09
zaakceptowano do druku: 2013-10-16

Adres do korespondencji:
*Marcin Gierach
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology of Ludwik Rydygier CM
ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 9, 85-094 Bydgoszcz
tel./fax: +48 (52) 585-42-40
e-mail: marcin_gierach@wp.pl

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 12/2013
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