© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 10/2014, s. 688-692
*Anna Majcher1, Aneta Czerwonogrodzka-Senczyna2, Ewa Woźniak1, Beata Pyrżak1
Wpływ odżywienia dzieci z somatotropinową niedoczynnością przysadki na szybkość wzrastania w pierwszym roku leczenia hormonem wzrostu
Effect of nutritional status on growth velocity in the first year of growth hormone treatment of children with Growth Hormone Deficiency
1Department of Pediatrics and Endocrinology, Independent Public Children’s Clinical Hospital, Medical University of Warsaw
Head of Department: Beata Pyrżak, MD, PhD
2Department of Human Nutrition, Medical University of Warsaw
Head of Department: Dorota Szostak-Węgierek, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Poprawa szybkości wzrastania u dzieci jest podstawowym celem leczenia hormonem wzrostu.
Cel pracy. Ocena wpływu stanu odżywienia dzieci z SNP na szybkość wzrastania w pierwszym roku leczenia GH.
Materiał i metody. 200 pacjentów z somatotropinową niedoczynnością przysadki (SNP): 139 chłopców i 61 dziewcząt, średni wiek: 11,84 ± 3,1 roku. Przed leczeniem hormonem wzrostu (GH) i po roku wykonano pomiary wysokości i masy ciała. Wyliczono wskaźnik Cole’a i BMI (ang. Body Mass Index). Określono zawartość procentową tłuszczu (%FAT) ze wzoru Slaughtera. Analizowano szybkość wzrastania przed leczeniem i po 12 miesiącach leczenia GH w zależności od wskaźnika Cole’a.
Wyniki. Przed włączeniem leczenia GH upośledzenie stanu odżywienia stwierdzono u 17% badanych. Pacjenci z nadwagą stanowili 27%. Szybkość wzrastania przed leczeniem wynosiła 4,86 ± 1,30 cm, po roku leczenia GH – 9,11 ± 1,72 cm. Po roku leczenia nadwagę stwierdzono u 23,5% badanych, zły stan odżywienia nadal u 17%. Prawidłowy stan odżywienia dzieci z SNP na początku terapii GH korelował z szybkością wzrastania w pierwszym roku leczenia. Lepszą szybkość wzrastania obserwowano u dzieci ze wskaźnikiem Cole’a – 90-110%, oraz u dzieci z nadwagą (wskaźnik Cole’a > 110%).
Wnioski. 1. Niedożywienie u dzieci zmniejsza efekt terapii hormonem wzrostu. 2. Zaburzenia stanu odżywienia u dzieci z SNP wymagają interwencji specjalisty w zakresie żywienia.
Introduction. The main aim of growth hormone (GH) treatment is improvement in growth velocity in children.
Aim. To assess the effect of nutritional status of children with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) on growth velocity in the first 12 months of treatment with growth hormone (GH).
Material and methods. Cohort of 200 patients with GHD: 139 boys and 61 girls, mean age: 11.84 ± 3.1 years. Body height and body mass measurements were taken before of GH treatment and after 12 months. Cole index and BMI (Body Mass Index) were determined. Body fat percentage was calculated from Slaughter equation. The analysis of growth velocity in relation to Cole Index before treatment and after 12 months of GH therapy was performed.
Results. Before the start of GH treatment malnutrition were determined in 17% of study patients. Overweight patients constituted 27%. Growth velocity before treatment was estimated at 4.86 ± 1.30 cm and increased to 9.11 ± 1.72 cm after one year of treatment. After 12 months of GH treatment overweight was reported in 23.5% of the study cohort, malnutrition were still observed in 17%. Normal nutritional status of GHD children recognized at the start of GH treatment correlated with growth velocity in the first year of treatment. Better growth velocity was observed for children with Cole index 90-110% and for overweight children (Cole index > 110%).
Conclusions. 1. Malnutrition in children decreases the effect of growth hormone treatment. 2. Nutritional disorders in children with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) require intervention of specialists.

The process of development is inseparably related to growth and depends on numerous factors including cell expansion, maturation and increase in cell size. The process of growth is determined by regulatory factors which are active in fetal life and later in postnatal life. In intrauterine life a significant role is attributed to insulin, insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1, IGF-2), IGF binding receptors and proteins, specific protein carriers (IGFBP 1-6), mainly IGFBP 3. Shortly after birth the fetal mechanisms are still active and it is only in the neonatal period that the growth hormone (GH) is activated. Other growth-affecting hormones include thyroid hormones, cortisol, and growth hormone-releasing peptides. In puberty growth is also affected by sex hormones (1-5).
The aim of the study was to assess the effect of the nutritional status on growth velocity in the first year of growth hormone (GH) treatment in a cohort of children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD).
Material and methods
The study cohort included short stature children diagnosed at the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology in the period 2000-2011.The analysis involved 200 GHD patients: 139 boys and 61 girls (GH concentration < 10 ng/ml after provocation), with no other chronic diseases; mean age 11.84 ± 3.1 years.
Body height and body weight measurements were taken from each child at the start of GH treatment and 12 months later. Body weight was measured in underwear on medical scales (accuracy up to 0.1 kg). Body height was a mean of three measurements taken with Holtain stadiometer (accuracy up to 0.1 cm), in an anthropometric position, erect, at rest, facing directly ahead (the Frankfurt plane). Skinfold measurements were taken with Harpenden caliper at two sites (triceps and subscapular folds). Individual age of height was calculated (age for which height was on the 50th centile) at the beginning of treatment and after 12 months.
Cole index and BMI (Body Mass Index) were calculated from body height and body weight measurements.
The Cole Index was calculated from the following equation (6): current body weight/standard body weight x 100 and interpreted according to McLaren’s classification:
110% – overweight,
90-100% – normal,
85-90% – mild malnutrition,
75-85% – moderate malnutrition,
75% – severe malnutrition.
Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from the following equation:
BMI = current body weight (kg)
current body height (m2)
Body weight and BMI values were then standardized according to average (x) and standard deviation (SD) for the population of Warsaw children (7):
SDS b.w./BMI = current body weight/BMI
standard body weight/BMI : SD
The calculated values were interpreted as body weight/BMI expressed as SDS (Standard Deviation Score), with 0 ± 1 SDS accepted as normal. Body height was standardized and interpreted as short stature < -1.2 SDS.
Data on the nutritional status of the study children was supplemented with body fat percentage data (calculated from Slaughter equation from triceps and subscapular skinfold measurements) taking into account the stage of sexual development (puberty) (8).
Eligible data set the normal body fat value at 19% for girls and 15% for boys (9). The stage of sexual development (puberty) was evaluated by endocrinologists during hospitalization. Microsoft Excel 2003 calculation sheet was used for analysis of growth velocity data (cm) before GH treatment and 12 months later. Detailed statistical calculation/analysis was performed using Statistica 9.0 with: Student’s t-test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (linear regression analysis). The significance level of p < 0.05 was accepted.
A cohort of 200 patients with GH deficiency were enrolled in the study: 139 boys (70%) and 61 girls (30%); mean chronological age: 11.84 ± 3.1 years. 29% (n = 58)were below 9 years of age, 54.5% were between 10 and 14 (n = 109) and 16.5% were over 14 (n = 33).
Before the start of GH treatment growth velocity for boys and girls was similar and ave aged 4.88 ± 1.26 cm/year and 4.83 ± 1.33 cm/year respectively. The mean height was 129.8 ± 14.12 cm for girls and 136.1 ± 16.85 cm for boys. Body height expressed as standard deviation scores (SDS) was -2 to -4. Differences in height shortage between study boys and girls (in SDS) were not significant but the difference in relation to the mean of the general population was statistically significant.
At the start of GH treatment the difference between age of height and chronological age of study children was estimated at approximately 3 years at average (8.88 ± 2.72 years for girls and boys). Mean body weight was 32.44 ± 11.63 kg (for the age of height -0.02 ± 0.85 SDS at the average). Mean body weight values expressed as SDS were normal for body height. Mean BMI value was 17.38 ± 3.34 kg/m2.
Cole index showed no severe malnutrition in the cohort of 200 GHD patients before the start of GH treatment. Moderate and mild malnutrition was recognized in 34 (17%) children, normal nutritional status in 56%. Overweight patients constituted a relatively large group of 54 children (27%). Observation showed that malnutrition (mild or moderate) affected girls (21%) rather than boys (15%) and just the opposite for overweight where the number of overweight boys was larger than that of girls (30 vs 20%).
The mean body fat percentage before GH treatment was estimated at 19.83 ± 6.76% (22.5 ± 5.15% for girls, 18.73 ± 7.07% for boys).
After the first 12 months of GH treatment the body height of patients improved markedly. Growth velocity was estimated at +9.11 ± 1.72 cm at the average; 8.2 ± 1.25 cm/year for girls and 9.43 ± 1.80 cm/year for boys.
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