© Borgis - Nowa Medycyna 3/2017, s. 105-113
*Przemysław Ciesielski1, 2, Małgorzata Kołodziejczak1, Paweł Siekierski2
What therapeutic approaches are chosen by proctologists to treat haemorrhoidal disease and anal fissure?
Jakie metody leczenia choroby hemoroidalnej i szczeliny odbytu wybierają proktolodzy?
1Warsaw Proctology Centre, Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital in Warsaw
Head of Centre: Associate Professor Małgorzata Kołodziejczak, PhD
2Department of General Surgery, District Hospital in Wołomin
Head of Department: Krzysztof Górnicki, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Choroba hemoroidalna i szczelina odbytu są jednymi z najczęściej występujących chorób proktologicznych. Mimo to postępowanie z nimi nie zostało ustandaryzowane w postaci wytycznych, co wpływa na różnorodne ich leczenie.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy była identyfikacja najczęściej proponowanych metod leczenia choroby hemoroidalnej i szczeliny odbytu w lecznictwie zamkniętym i ambulatoryjnym wśród proktologów biorących udział w ankiecie.
Materiał i metody. W trakcie warsztatów proktologicznych, wśród lekarzy w nich uczestniczących przeprowadzono ankietę, w której zapytano o najczęściej stosowane metody leczenia choroby hemoroidalnej i szczeliny odbytu. Oprócz metod leczenia wspomnianych chorób w ankiecie zapytano o miejsce pracy lekarzy. Ankieta miała charakter anonimowy i dobrowolny.
Wyniki. Wypełnione ankiety zwróciło 54% ankietowanych, tj. 60 lekarzy. Najwięcej ankietowanych pracowało w szpitalach powiatowych/miejskich (66%). Najczęstszą metodą operacyjnego leczenia guzków krwawnicowych okazała się metoda Milligana-Morgana (83%). Najczęściej stosowaną metodą ambulatoryjnego leczenia choroby hemoroidalnej była metoda Barona (66%). W operacyjnym leczeniu szczeliny odbytu ankietowani w pierwszej kolejności wybrali wycięcie szczeliny ze sfinkterotomią lub bez sfinkterotomii (46%). Spośród metod ambulatoryjnego leczenia szczeliny odbytu ankietowani najczęściej stosowali rozszerzanie dilatatorem.
Wnioski. Brak standardów postępowania w chorobach proktologicznych wpływa na zmienność decyzji terapeutycznych. Rozbieżności te są zdecydowanie mniejsze w przypadku leczenia choroby hemoroidalnej niż w przypadku leczenia szczeliny odbytu.
Introduction. Although haemorrhoidal disease and anal fissure belong to the most common proctological conditions, their management has not been standardised in the form of guidelines. Therefore, different therapies are used to treat these diseases.
Aim. The aim of this paper was to identify the most common treatment options proposed for the treatment of haemorrhoidal disease and anal fissure in both in- and outpatient setting based on a questionnaire conducted among proctologists.
Material and methods. Participants of proctology workshops were asked to complete a questionnaire on the most common treatment methods for haemorrhoidal disease and anal fissure. In addition to treatment options for the diseases in question, the respondents were also enquired about their workplace. The questionnaire was anonymous and voluntary.
Results. Completed questionnaires were returned by 54% of respondents (60 physicians). Most of respondents worked in district/urban hospitals (66%). Milligan-Morgan method was the leading surgical technique in haemorrhoidal disease (83%), whereas rubber band ligation was the most common outpatient procedure used in the treatment of this condition (66%). Anal fissure excision with or without sphincterotomy was the most common method used for the surgical treatment of anal fissure (46%). The use of an anal dilator was the most popular outpatient method used in patients with anal fissure.
Conclusions. The lack of standards for the therapeutic management of proctological diseases results in varying therapeutic decisions. These discrepancies are definitely less pronounced in haemorrhoidal disease compared to anal fissure.

The treatment of non-neoplastic proctological diseases in Poland has not been standardised so far. As in many other fields of medicine in our country, the treatment of different disease entities is based on the guidelines developed by specialist societies in a given field. These guidelines are, however, recommended rather than mandatory. Other factors that influence diagnostic and therapeutic decisions include proctology surgeon’s experience, theoretical knowledge (depending on the training centre and the training master) as well as staying up-to-date with subject literature.
Proctology conferences, symposia and workshops provide a perfect opportunity to exchange experience and thus harmonise treatment strategies. We decided to take advantage of these meetings to collect data on the most common treatment methods proposed by proctologists for basic disease entities. The obtained results were compared with the 2014 Guidelines of the American Gastroenterological Association (1).
The aim of the study was to identify the most common in- and outpatient treatment methods for haemorrhoidal disease and anal fissure proposed by proctologists included in the survey.
Material and methods
The study used a questionnaire. A total of 110 physicians dealing with patients affected by proctological conditions participated in proctology workshops in Warsaw on the 5th November 2016. All participants were asked to complete anonymous questionnaires to collect information about the place of work (including a division into clinical, district and private centre) as well as in- and outpatient treatment modalities for haemorrhoidal disease and anal fissure. The questionnaire included multiple-choice questions. If more than one method was used, more than one answer could be selected. Also, if the method used was not included in the questionnaire, the respondent could add it by inserting it in the text box “Other, please specify...”. The questionnaire is presented in figure 1.

Fig. 1. A template of the questionnaire presented to participants of proctology workshops
Completed questionnaires were returned by 60 participants (54.5%).
Only 30% of respondents declared that they worked/treated proctological patients in more than one workplace, including district/urban hospitals (66%), private offices (42%) and teaching hospitals (20%). Institutions for the treatment of proctological patients declared by the participants of proctology workshops are shown in figure 2.

Fig. 2. Respondents’ place of work
Among surgical techniques for the treatment of haemorrhoidal disease, the Milligan-Morgan method was chosen by most of respondents (83%), Ferguson method was chosen by 27%, the Recto anal repair (RAR) by 8%, while other surgical techniques were selected by 5% of respondents. None of the respondents chose the Lango technique as a method for the treatment of haemorrhoidal disease. Surgical techniques chosen by respondents for the treatment of haemorrhoidal disease are presented in figure 3.

Fig. 3. Methods for surgical treatment of haemorrhoidal disease
Rubber band ligation (RBL) (66%) and sclerotherapy (20%) were the most common outpatient approaches for the treatment of haemorrhoids. Other techniques, including the Hemoron method, were selected by only 13% of respondents. None of respondents chose DGHAL as an outpatient method for the treatment of haemorrhoidal disease. Outpatient treatment methods of haemorrhoidal disease and the frequency of their use are presented in figure 4.

Fig. 4. Methods for outpatient treatment of haemorrhoidal disease
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