Krzysztof Łampika, *Paweł Dutkiewicz, Przemysław Ciesielski
Primary adenocarcinoma of the ileum causing obstruction in an 84-year-old patient – a case report
Pierwotny rak gruczołowy jelita krętego powodujący niedrożność u 84-letniej kobiety – opis przypadku
Department of Oncological Surgery, Mazovian Oncology Hospital
Head of Department: Przemysław Ciesielski, MD, PhD
Gruczolakorak jelita cienkiego to rzadko występujący nowotwór, zachorowalność szacuje się na 4 na milion przypadków, mimo to jest najczęstszym pierwotnym nowotworem jelita cienkiego. Rozpoznanie wczesnej postaci raka jest trudne z powodu niespecyficznych objawów. Najczęściej chorzy leczeni są w trybie dyżurowym z powodu niedrożności lub krwawienia do przewodu pokarmowego. W artykule autorzy opisują przypadek 84-letniej chorej operowanej z powodu niedrożności jelit spowodowanej rakiem jelita krętego, u której badania obrazowe nie wskazały prawidłowego rozpoznania. Przebieg operacji był powikłany przetoką jelitową. Badanie histopatologiczne potwierdziło miejscowe zaawansowanie guza. Chora po wyleczeniu niedrożności została skierowana do dalszego leczenia onkologicznego.
Although small bowel adenocarcinoma is a rare cancer, with estimated incidence rate of 4 cases per million persons it is the most common small bowel tumour. Diagnosis of early-stage disease is difficult due to non-specific symptoms. Patients are usually treated on an emergency basis due to gastrointestinal obstruction or bleeding. The paper presents a case report of an 84-year-old female who underwent surgical treatment due to bowel obstruction caused by ileum cancer, and in whom diagnostic imaging did not allow for a correct diagnosis. The surgery was complicated by intestinal fistula. Histopathology confirmed local tumour progression. After treatment completion, the patient was referred for further anti-cancer treatment.
Although small bowel adenocarcinoma is a rare cancer, with estimated incidence rate of 4 cases per million persons, it is the most common small bowel tumour. Most adenocarcinomas develop in the duodenum (40%), jejunum (38%), while only 22% are found in the ileum. Diagnosis of early-stage cancer is difficult even despite the use of diagnostic imaging and endoscopy. Patients are most often treated on an emergency basis due to gastrointestinal obstruction or bleeding. The paper presents a case report of an 84-year-old female receiving surgical treatment due to bowel obstruction caused by ileum cancer, and in whom diagnostic imaging did not allow for a correct diagnosis.
Case report
An 84-year-old woman with COPD, cardiac failure and right pulmonary fibrosis was admitted to the Department of Surgery due to vomiting and abdominal pain. The symptoms had been increasing in severity for a few weeks. The patient was previously treated and diagnosed in the Department of Internal Diseases, where the cause of symptoms was not identified despite the use of endoscopy (gastro- and colonoscopy). Colonoscopy revealed large bowel diverticulosis. The consulting surgeon ordered an abdominal CT scan, which showed isolated deposits in the gall bladder and pneumobilia. The CBD and bile ducts were slightly dilated; a small amount of free fluid was found in the peritoneal cavity. The gallbladder clearly adhered to the duodenum. The entire CT image suggested gall-bladder-duodenal fistula.
Based on physical examination, the patient’s condition was considered moderately severe; the patient was conscious and able to maintain full logical verbal contact, but drowsy and presenting with signs of dehydration; BP 110/60 mmHg, HR 110/min. The abdomen was distended and tender throughout the entire abdominal cavity, without peritoneal symptoms. Peristalsis was considered “lazy”. After inserting a probe, about 2000 mL of intestinal content was recovered.
Laboratory tests showed fluid and electrolyte imbalance, including hyponatraemia. No increase in inflammatory markers was found. Plain abdominal radiography in the standing position revealed small bowel fluid levels indicative of obstruction.
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