Maciej Bączyk
Zasady kwalifikacji i prowadzenia terapii radioizotopowej przerzutów nowotworowych do kości
Radioisotope therapy of cancer bone metastases
z Poradni Medycyny Paliatywnej SPSK-1 AM w Poznaniu i Pracowni Medycyny Nuklearnej SPSK-2 AM w Poznaniu
The radionuclide therapy from 50 years is the integral part of systemic treatment of patients with advanced and disseminated cancer. In the treatment specific radioisotopes with selective concentration at sites of bone cancer damage are used. Radioisotopes are important addition to the armamentarium of clinicians caring for patients with advanced cancer and painful cancer bone metastases (especially osteoblastic and mixt type). It offers a high degree of efficacy with minimal toxicity and simple administration fulfilling the fundamental criteria for a palliative treatment that should combine minimal patients discomfort and toxicity with maximal clinical effect.

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