© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 5/2012, s. 451-454
*Michał Przyszlak, Tomasz Jargiełło, Monika Miazga, Anna Drelich-Zbroja, Michał Górnik, Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska
Nowotworowe krwawienia po embolizacji tętnic oskrzelowych
Hemoptysis recurrence after successful embolization of bronchial arteries
Department of Interventional and Neuroradiology, Medical University in Lublin
Head of the Department: prof. dr hab. med. Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska
Cel pracy. Celem badania jest ocena występowania i przyczyn nawrotów krwawień i krwotoków płucnych po ich leczeniu metodą embolizacji.
Materiał i metody. W ciągu ostatnich 10 lat, 360 chorych z krwotokami płucnymi było leczonych na drodze embolizacji. Przyczyny krwotoków były różne, najczęściej gruźlica, rozstrzenie oskrzeli, grzybica. Do embolizacji używano różnych materiałów embolizacyjnych: gąbki żelatynowej (Spongostan), cząstek alkoholu poliwinylowego PVA, Embosfer 350-900 μm, spiral platynowych oraz płynnych materiałów w postaci mieszaniny histoakrylu z Lipiodolem.
Wyniki. Zatrzymanie krwawienia uzyskano w 92% przypadków. U ponad 90% pacjentów wystąpił zespół poembolizacyjny. U części pacjentów odnotowano bóle mięśni międzyżebrowych. Pięciu chorych miało przejściowe zaburzenia połykania, a 4 chrypę. Nawroty krwawienia wystąpiły u 33% pacjentów w ciągu 12 miesięcy od embolizacji. Najwięcej nawrotów obserwowano u chorych na gruźlicę. Z 99 pacjentów z nawrotem krwawienia, 72 miało ponowną embolizację.
Wnioski. Ponowne krwawienie po embolizacji tętnic oskrzelowych wystąpiło w 33% przypadków. Najczęściej u pacjentów z gruźlicą i grzybniakami. Przyczyną była rewaskularyzacja zmian patologicznych, lub rzadziej, niekompletna embolizacja patologicznych naczyń.
Aim. The purpose of this study is evaluation of the occurence and causes of recurrent hemoptysis after its treatment with endovascular embolization.
Materials and methods. During the last decade 360 patients with severe hemoptysis were treated with embolization. Hemoptysis had many different underlying pathologies of which the most common were tuberculosis, bronchiectasis and aspergillosis. Embolization procedures were performed using different embolic materials like: absorbable haemostatic gelatin sponge (Spongostan), embolic particles (PVA – polyvinyl alcohol particles, Embospheres 350-900 μm), platinum coils and liquid materials (histoacrylate and Lipidol mixture).
Results. Control of hemoptysis was achieved in 92% of patients. Over 90% of patients suffered from postembolization syndrome. No severe complications were observed. Patients in whom more than 3 neighboring intercostal arteries were embolized had intercostal muscle pain for up to two weeks. Five patients suffered transient dysphagia and four had a hoarse throat. Bleeding recurrence was noted in 33% of cases within 12 months. The highest rate of recurrences occurred in patients with tuberculosis and aspergillosis and was due to revascularization by collaterals. Out of 99 patients with recurrent hemoptysis 72 underwent second embolization. Collaterals developed mainly from intercostal arteries.
Conclusions. Late recurrent bleeding after treatment of massive hemoptysis with embolization was observed in 33% of cases, most commonly in patients with tuberculosis and aspergillosis, as a result of revascularization of pathological lesions through local collateral circulation. To a lesser degree, recurrent bleedings were caused by incomplete occlusion of pathological vasculature.

Hemoptysis is the spitting of blood that originated in the lungs or bronchial tree. The patient’s history should help determine the amount of blood and differentiate between hemoptysis, pseudohemoptysis, and hematemesis. A focused physical examination can lead to the diagnosis in most cases. In children, lower respiratory tract infection and foreign body aspiration are the most common causes of hemoptysis, whereas in adults, bronchitis, bronchogenic carcinoma, and pneumonia are the major causes. Chest radiographs often aid in the diagnosis and assist in using two complementary diagnostic procedures, fiberoptic bronchoscopy and high-resolution computed tomography, which are useful in difficult cases and when malignancy is suspected. The most common presentation is acute, mild hemoptysis caused by bronchitis. Low-risk patients with normal chest radiographs can be treated on an outpatient basis with close monitoring and appropriate oral antibiotics, if clinically indicated (1). If hemoptysis persists, consultation with a pulmonologist should be considered. In up to 34 percent of patients, no cause of hemoptysis can be found (1). The more dangerous presentation is the massive hemoptysis. It is a life-threatening clinical condition requiring urgent assessment and intervention. The mortality rate from massive hemoptysis depends on the bleeding rate and etiology. Hemoptysis greater than 1,000 mL per 24 hours in the presence of malignancy carries a mortality rate of 80 percent (2). Patients with massive hemoptysis need to undergo more aggressive, expedient approach. Diagnosis and therapy must occur simultaneously. Airway maintenance is vital because the primary mechanism of death is asphyxiation, not exsanguination (1). One of the treatment options that enables relatively quick access to the site of bleeding while being minimally invasive is the endovascular embolization performed by interventional radiologists. Since it’s introduction in 1973 it became a well established, safe and effective treatment, in many clinical cases it has become the method of choice for massive hemoptysis (3). However, the problem with endovascular approach is that the long term results are hampered by recurrent bleedings. The purpose of this study is to present results of an analysis of hemoptysis recurrence after successful embolization and, if possible, identify the predisposing conditions.
Material and methods
In the series of 360 patients with massive hemoptysis treated with embolization during the last 10 years, there were 212 men and 148 women in the age of 29-80 years, mean 52.
Hemoptysis was considered to be massive if the blood loss was 300-600 ml per day in agreement with the most commonly used classification (4, 5, 6).
The underlying pathology in almost 80% was: tuberculosis (155 cases), bronchiectasis (98), aspergillosis (31). Remaining causes included cystic fibrosis (25), bronchogenic cancer (19), mucoviscidosis (6), vascular anomalies (2), and Rasmussen aneurysms (2).
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