© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 3/2015, s. 177-180
*Hubert Arasiewicz1, Piotr Szilman2, Ligia Brzezińska-Wcisło1
Nużeniec ludzki w trądziku różowatym na podstawie zmodyfikowanej standaryzowanej biopsji powierzchni skóry
Demodex folliculorum in rosacea based on a modified standardized skin surface biopsy
1School of Medicine in Katowice, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Department of Dermatology
Head of Department: prof. Ligia Brzezińska-Wcisło, MD, PhD
2School of Pharmacy with the Division of Laboratory Medicine in Sosnowiec, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Department of Parasitology
Head of Department: Associate Professor of Biology Krzysztof Solarz, PhD
Wstęp. Trądzik różowaty jest przewlekłą chorobą skóry charakteryzującą się (zależnie od podtypu) przedłużającym się rumieniem oraz obecnością teleangiektazji i/lub guzków i krost. Dotyka wszystkich grup wiekowych obu płci. Patofizjologia zakłada udział wielu różnych czynników wyzwalających, w tym promieniowanie UV, stres lub zmieniona flora jelitowa. Badania nad nużeńcem ludzkim wykazały, że mogą one odgrywać rolę w patogenezie zaostrzenia, działając jako kofaktor z innymi czynnikami.
Cel pracy. Próba określenia roli nużeńca ludzkiego w grupie pacjentów z trądzikiem różowatym.
Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono pacjentów z trądzikiem różowatym w wieku od 22 do 63 lat. Stan dermatologiczny oraz ocenę zawartości mieszków włosowych oceniano podczas dwóch wizyt w naszej przychodni. Podczas pierwszej wizyty zbierano wywiad oraz przeprowadzano badanie przedmiotowe z kwalifikacją do odpowiedniego stadium choroby. W celu pobrania zawartości gruczołów łojowych na nos, podbródek, policzki oraz czoło nakładano hipoalergiczny przylepiec. Podczas drugiej wizyty u pacjentów zakwalifikowanych do badania przylepce usuwano wraz z zawartością mieszków włosowych. Oceny dokonywano przy użyciu mikroskopu stereoskopowego STEMI 2000.
Wyniki. Oceniono zawartość mieszków włosowych od 38 pacjentów z trądzikiem różowatym pod kątem obecności nużeńca ludzkiego. Obecność nużeńca potwierdzono u 11 chorych. Większość przypadków (9) dotyczyła pacjentów w stadium grudkowo-krostkowym trądziku różowatego. Żywe osobniki obserwowano jedynie w obrębie płatka nosa. Ruchliwość nużeńca zmniejszała się w miarę upływu czasu od momentu usunięcia plastrów ze skóry pacjenta.
Wnioski. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły kolonizacje u 11 z 38 pacjentów z trądzikiem różowatym, co może wskazywać na jego udział w patogenezie opisywanej jednostki chorobowej. Na podstawie wyników można stwierdzić, że nużeniec nie jest głównym czynnik zaostrzającym przebieg choroby. Ponadto standaryzowana powierzchowna biopsja skóry nie jest w pełni zadowalającym badaniem przesiewowym.
Introduction. Rosacea is a chronic disease characterized by (depending on the subtype) facial prolonged erythema, sometimes pustules or nodules. Rosacea affects all ages and sex with four subtypes. Pathophysiology aims to many different trigger factors like sun exposure, emotional stress or changed intestinal flora. Studies about Demodex mites according to different authors revealed that they may play a role in rosacea exacerbation in particular along with other triggers.
Aim. An attempt to determine the role of Demodex mites among patients with rosacea.
Material and methods. The study included patients with rosacea from 22 to 63 years of age. The patient status and content of hair follicles were assessed during two visits in our outpatient clinic. During the first visit, detailed medical history was taken, physical examination and hypoallergenic adhesive were applied (nose, chin, cheeks and forehead) in order to pursue the content of the sebaceous glands. During the second visit, patients qualified to the research were again examined while adhesives have been removed. By using stereoscopic microscope Stemi 2000, Demodex mites from hair follicles were analyzed.
Results. Initially, contents from hair follicles of 38 patients with rosacea have been examined. The presence of Demodex was confirmed in 11 patients. Most cases of confirmed Demodex infestation concerned patients with papulopustular rosacea. Live subjects were collected only from the ales and the decrease in their motility was observed over the course of time after the removal of plasters from the skin.
Conclusions. Obtained results confirming the infestation of 11 out of 38 patients with erythematotelangiectatic rosacea indicates Demodex folliculorum as a direct or indirect pathogen. Based on the results, we can state that among our patients Demodex mites were not a main trigger factor. Standardized skin surface biopsy is not a sufficient screening test.

Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory facial skin condition occurring in adults and is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission (1). The primary symptom of rosacea is persistent erythema, which with the secondary formation of telangiectasia and papules and pustules in the later stages of the disease becomes a permanent condition (2). It is a very common dermatosis which, according to the epidemiological data, occurs in the range from 2% in Germany to 10% in Sweden (3). A prevalent type of rosacea is an erythematotelangiectatic rosacea occurring in 81% of dermatology clinic patients (4). The etiopathogenesis of rosacea is still unknown but according to numerous hypotheses, it is determined by vascular disorders, immune disorders, degeneration of the connective tissue elements, pilosebaceous follicles disorders, as well as climatic, chemicals and dietary factors. Infection related etiopathogenesis becomes more popular. This is supported by an effective form of therapy aimed at unspecified microorganism (2, 5).
Demodex folliculorum
Demodex folliculorum is an arachnid belonging to the order of mites (6). They are obligatorily bound to their hosts. Various species of Demodex folliculorum may occur on different parts of the skin of a single host (7). Two species of Demodex are typical to human, namely Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis (6). The former is of an elongated shape and its length ranges from 0.3 to 0.4 mm. It resides in hair follicles. The latter and the smaller one measures from 0.2 to 0.3 mm. It is typically spindle-shaped with shorter legs and is usually found in sebaceous glands of the entire body or in Meibomian gland (8). Due to its inconvenient location, Demodex brevis is difficult to pull out and its role in the pathogenesis of skin diseases is not fully known (9). Demodex folliculorum outnumbers Demodex brevis, hoverer the latter inhabits a larger area. Regardless of its development phase, Demodex mainly feeds on skin cells and the components of sebum, which explains why it resides in the seborrheic areas including nose, cheeks, forehead and chin. In terms of anatomy, Demodex is composed of gnathosoma with oral aparatus and podosma and opithosoma (10). Gnathosoma comprises the chelicerae used to suck food and pedipalps, which are used to hold the food. Prosoma has four pair of legs (10). All the Demodex mites avoid sunlight. They leave their initial location and emerge to the skin surface only at night to mate. The life cycle of Demodex lasts from 14 to 18 days (7, 11). Transmission of Demodex from human to human occurs during direct contact (common toiletries, towels or dust) and increases with age. According to the literature, the proportion of colonised patients ranges from 20 to 80% with the peak between second and sixth decade of life (12). The authors assume that increased infestation of facial skin with Demodex folliculorum may contribute to the development of the symptoms. Forton et al. proved that an average density of Demodex in the facial skin equals 10.8 mites per cm2 (papulopustular type), and 0.7 mites per cm2 in the group of healthy people. Diagnosing the Demodex mites include skin scrapings or standardized skin surface biopsy (SSSB). The pathogenic role of Demodex is still a starting point for further experimental research on their role in the direct and indirect induction of local inflammation.
The main objective of this article is to present the current state of knowledge on Demodex folliculorum and their correlation to the pathogenesis of rosacea, based on the literature review and modified standardized skin surface biopsy in patients diagnosed with rosacea.
Material and methods
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