© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 12/2015, s. 816-819
*Anna A. Kasperlik-Załuska1, Lucyna Papierska1, Wojciech Jeske1, Renata Kapuścińska1, Barbara Czarnocka2
Wieloośrodkowe kliniczne i immunologiczne badania u osób z chorobą Addisona w Polsce
Multicenter clinical and immunological study on Addison’s disease in Poland**
1Department of Endocrinology, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Bielański Hospital, Warszawa
Head of Department: prof. Wojciech Zgliczyński, MD, PhD
2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Warszawa
Head of Department: prof. Barbara Czarnocka, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Pierwotna niedoczynność nadnerczy – choroba Addisona (AD), jest rzadką chorobą rozwijającą się na tle procesu autoimmunologicznego. Autoimmunizacja skierowana przeciwko 21-hydroksylazie, enzymowi uczestniczącemu w steroidogenezie, jest najczęstszym czynnikiem patogenetycznym w tej chorobie.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było zbadanie częstości występowania przeciwciał przeciwko 21-hydroksylazie oraz częstości współistnienia innych chorób autoimmunologicznych u pacjentów z pierwotną niedoczynnością nadnerczy w Polsce.
Materiał i metody. Zrekrutowano 212 pacjentów (w tym 160 kobiet ), z udokumentowaną badaniami hormonalnymi chorobą Addisona, w wieku 20-84 lat, obserwowanych przez 1-52 lat. Wykonano badanie kliniczne oraz oznaczenie przeciwciał przeciwko 21-hydroksylazie (21-OH) i przeciwciał tarczycowych (aTg i aTPO). Wyniki badań uzyskane w 2012 roku porównano z wynikami badania przeciwciał nadnerczowych wykonanych w 2000 roku (z 62 pacjentów 39 miało wówczas wynik pozytywny i 30 ponownie poddano badaniu w 2012 roku).
Wyniki. Z 212 pacjentów poddanych badaniu w 2012 roku obecność przeciwciał przeciwko 21-OH wykryto u 114 osób (54%). Wśród 30 chorych badanych pierwotnie w 2000 roku 27 miało te przeciwciała, natomiast ponowne badanie 12 lat później wykazało pozytywny wynik jedynie u 13 z nich. Wśród innych immunologicznych odchyleń najczęstsza była obecność przeciwciał tarczycowych, a najczęstszą towarzyszącą chorobą autoimmunologiczną – niedoczynność tarczycy.
Wnioski. 1. Częstość występowania przeciwciał przeciwko 21-hydroksylazie w grupie polskich pacjentów z chorobą Addisona (54%) jest niższa, aniżeli w materiale pacjentów skandynawskich, czego przypuszczalną przyczyną może być dłuższy okres obserwacji w naszej grupie chorych. 2. Konwersja wyniku dodatniego do ujemnego zaobserwowana u części pacjentów badanych ponownie po wielu latach może przemawiać za takim wytłumaczeniem.
Introduction. Primary adrenal insufficiency – Addison’s disease (AD) is a rare disease, developing mainly due to autoimmune processes. Autoimmunity against 21-hydroxylase, an enzyme participating in steroidogenesis, is the most frequent pathogenic factor in AD.
Aim. Our study aimed at evaluating the incidence of 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) antibodies and presence of other immunological disorders in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency.
Material and methods. 212 patients (160 women) with hormonally documented Addison’s disease, aged 20-84 years, observed for 1-52 years. Clinical examination, 21-hydroxylase and thyroid autoantibodies investigations. The results obtained in 2012 were compared with the results of adrenal autoantibodies measured in 2000 (then of 62 patients, adrenal antibodies were detected in 39 persons and 30 of them were investigated again in 2012).
Results. In 212 patients examined in 2012 antibodies to 21-OH were present in 114 cases (54%). Among 30 patients examined in 2000, 27 cases showed 21-OH positivity, whereas twelve years later antibodies were detected in only 13 cases. Presence of thyroid antibodies was the most frequent immunological finding, while hypothyroidism was the most frequent autoimmune disease.
Conclusions. 1. The incidence of positive results of 21-OH antibodies in 2012 = 54% appeared to be lower than in Scandinavian cohorts, probably due to long term observation in Poland. 2. A conversion from a positive immunological phenotype to a negative one during 12 years period of observation seems to confirm this suggestion.

Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease – AD) is a rare disease, developing mainly due to autoimmune processes. Autoimmunity against 21-hydroxylase, an enzyme participating in steroidogenesis, is the most frequent pathogenic factor in AD. Clinical, immunological and genetic investigations have been conducted in the european project, Euradrenal, to study more deeply the pathogenesis of AD, its natural course and current possibilities of the therapy improvement. Clinical experience of the members of the Steering Committee resulted in an Expert Consensus Statement concerning diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with AD (1).
At our department a tradition of addisonian patients’ diagnosis, treatment and follow up, initiated in the sixties years of the 20th century, have been continued till now. Our observations were described in 1991 (2) and 2010 (3). In the first series of AD patients, including 180 cases, tuberculosis was diagnosed in 52 persons (29%). In the group of 138 patients, registered between 1990 and 2008, there were only 3 patients with tuberculous destruction of the adrenals.
Within Polish part of the Euradrenal program, combined groups of patients with autoimmune AD (AAD) observed in our department and 7 other endocrinological centers in Poland1 have been studied.
The aim of this work was evaluation of the presence of 21-hydroxylase and thyroid (aTPO, aTg) autoantibodies as well as evaluation of the coincidence of other autoimmunological disorders.
The current results of 21-OH antibodies measurements were compared with adrenal autoantibodies (abs) determinations performed in 2000. Of 62 patients investigated initially, adrenal antibodies were positive in 39 cases. Thirty of them (five with associated primary ovarian failure – POF) were included in both studies. Such comparison enabled immunological follow-up of the autoimmune processes in Addison’s disease.
Material and methods
Our material included 212 patients, 160 women and 52 men, aged 20-84 years (at the time of the study), observed for 1-52 years. In this number, there were 148 patients from our department, and 64 patients from 7 other endocrinological centers. Diagnostic methods: clinical examination and hormonal determinations, which included: serum cortisol, DHEA-S, fT4, TSH, FSH, estradiol, testosterone, PTH (if necessary), plasma ACTH, urinary 17-hydroxycortisteroids (17-OHCS) or free cortisol and 1-24ACTH stimulation test.
Inclusion criteria: characteristic clinical features (4) and hormonal measurements – low serum cortisol at 9.00 hours, below 209 nmol/l (7.5 μg/dl) combined with high plasma ACTH concentration, over 13.2 pmol/l (60 pg/ml), decreased 17-OHCS urinary excretion, below 6.1 μmol/24 hours (2.2 mg/24 h), low peak serum cortisol level following 1-24ACTH (Synacthen) 0.25 mg i.m. or i.v. injection (1). Normal values: serum cortisol – 209 to 692 nmol/l (7.5-25 μg/dl), morning plasma ACTH – 3.3 to 13.2 pmol/l (15-60 pg/ml), urinary 17-OHCS – 6.1 to 19.3 μmol/24 h (2.2-7.0 mg/24 h).
Immunological studies: serum 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) autoantibodies (abs) determinations, thyroid autoantibodies (aTPO and aTg) measurements and a search for clinical data of other autoimmune disorders. The antibodies against 21-OH at first were determined by a method based on the in vitro transcribed and translated protein as described by Ekwall et al. (5). The upper normal limit of each antibody index was established as the mean value of negative controls plus three standard deviations and values above this cut-off indicated the presence of adrenal antibodies. Additionally, in 5 patients with POF, antibodies against 17-hydroxylase and against side-chain cleavage enzyme were measured (5).
Analytical assays (if necessary): serum glucose, HbA1c levels, calcium and phosphorus, serum and urinary values, sodium and potassium levels.
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