*Elwira Kołodziejczyk, Karolina Wejnarska, Jarosław Kierkuś, Józef Ryżko, Grzegorz Oracz
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and pancreatitis in children
Niedobór alfa1-antytrypsyny a zapalenie trzustki u dzieci
Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
Head of Department: prof. Józef Ryżko, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Alfa1-antytrypsyna (AAT) jest jednym z najważniejszych krążących w osoczu inhibitorów enzymów proteolitycznych trzustki trypsyny, chymotrypsyny i elastazy. Od ponad stu lat istnieje teoria, że zaburzenie równowagi między proteazami oraz ich inhibitorami w miąższu trzustki prowadzi do jej samotrawienia i zapoczątkowania procesu zapalnego narządu. Istnieją badania i opisy przypadków, w których sugeruje się, że wspomniana dysproporcja między proteazami i ich inhibitorami u pacjentów z niedoborem AAT przyczynia się do rozwoju przewlekłego zapalenia trzustki (PZT).
Cel pracy. Retrospektywna ocena związku między niedoborem alfa1-antytrypsyny a występowaniem przewlekłego zapalenia trzustki, ostrego nawracającego zapalenia trzustki (ONZT) oraz ostrego zapalenia trzustki (OZT) u dzieci.
Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono 83 dzieci z PZT, ONZT i OZT, u których w przebiegu diagnostyki przyczyn choroby wykonano genotyp alfa1-antytrypsyny (warianty E264V (PiS) i E342K (PiZ)). U 65% pacjentów (54/83) jednocześnie z badaniem genetycznym oznaczono stężenie AAT w surowicy. W świetle wyników, które przedstawiono poniżej, nie było konieczne korzystanie z analizy statystycznej.
Wyniki. Niedobór alfa1-antytrypsyny rozpoznano jedynie u 1 z 83 pacjentów. Była to prawie 13-letnia, otyła dziewczynka z PZT, u której stwierdzono mutację E342K w jednym allelu (heterozygota PiZ) oraz obniżone stężenie AAT w surowicy. Poza PZT u pacjentki zaobserwowano hipertransaminazemię, stłuszczenie wątroby w badaniu tomografii komputerowej (TK) jamy brzusznej oraz w biopsji wątroby.
Wnioski. W naszej pracy, opierając się na badaniu genetycznym dwóch najczęstszych mutacji będących przyczyną niedoboru alfa-1 antytrypsyny, stwierdziliśmy brak bezpośredniego związku między niedoborem AAT a rozwojem PZT, ONZT lub OZT. Wyniki te są zgodne z większością do tej pory przeprowadzonych badań.
Introduction. Alpha-1 antitrypsin is one of the most important serum inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin, chymotrypsin and pancreatic elastase. There is a hypothesis that increased levels of pancreatic proteinases or a decrease in pancreatic antiproteinases can lead to pancreatitis.
Aim. To evaluate the significance of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in children with chronic, acute recurrent and acute pancreatitis.
Material and methods. 83 children with chronic pancreatitis (CP), acute recurrent pancreatitis (ARP) and acute pancreatitis (AP) were enrolled into the study. Genotyping for E264V (PiS) and E342K (PiZ) variants of AAT was done. In 65% of patients (54/83) simultaneously with genetic testing, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency serum level was measured. In view of the results as shown below it was not necessary to use statistical analysis.
Results. Only in 1 of 83 patients alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency was recognized. It was almost 13-years old, obese girl with CP, in which E342K mutation in one allele (PiZ heterozygote) and decreased alpha-1 antitrypsin serum concentration were found. In addition to severe AP episode, elevated levels of serum transaminases and hepatic steatosis in CT imaging and liver biopsy was observed.
Conclusions. In the present study, genetic analysis of the two most common alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency alleles PiS and PiZ revealed no association between alpha-1 antitrypsin genotypes and development of CP, ARP or AP, which remains in line with the results of most previous studies. In conclusion, it seems that a1-antitrypsin is not involved in the pathogenesis of pancreatitis in children.

Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a rare disease in children, characterized by continuous structural and/or functional damage of the pancreas resulting from its progressive inflammation. The most common causes of chronic pancreatitis (CP) in children differ significantly from those reported in adults. Principal etiological factors of CP and recurrent acute pancreatitis (RAP) in pediatric patients include anatomic anomalies and gene mutations, lipid disorders and biliary tract diseases. A large percent of CP cases (30-40%) is still described as idiopathic (1-5).
For over a hundred years, there has been a theory that pancreatitis arises from premature activation of pancreatic zymogens to active enzymes within the pancreas parenchyma, leading to autodigestion and inflammatory process of the pancreas. One of the most common genetic mutations in children with CP are, among others, in the genes encoding cationic trypsinogen (Protease, Serine, 1 – PRSS1) and trypsinogen protease inhibitor type 1 (Serine Protease Inhibitor Kazal type 1 – SPINK1) (4-8). It is believed that these mutations lead to imbalance between the proteases and their inhibitors in the pancreas. In patients with idiopathic CP the prevalence of SPINK1 mutation according to the various studies varies from 6.5% to almost 45% and it is much higher than the population frequency (3, 7-14). A heterozygous pathogenic variant PRSS1, which results in autosomal dominant inheritance of pancreatitis, is found in 9.1-11.5% children with CP (15, 16). Among patients with idiopathic CP (studies included both children and adults) the frequency of PRSS1 ranges between 0% to 12.5% (17-21). According to a study by Oracz et al., in a group of over 200 polish children with CP, SPINK1 mutation occurred in 20.2% of patients and PRSS1 mutation was found in 10.6% of patients (4).
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AAT) is one of the most important circulating inhibitor of pancreatic proteolytic enzymes – trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase. Two frequent genetic defects in the alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency gene are known: a glutamine to valine substitution at codon 264 in exon 5 (E264V) (PiS) (8-10) and a glutamine to lysine substitution at codon 342 in exon 7 (E342K) (PiZ) (22). In CP potential role of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency it is of particular interest because it may prevent pancreatic autodigestion by inhibiting the proteases activity. There are studies and case reports in which it is suggested that imbalance between proteases and their inhibitors in patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency contributes to the development of CP (23-25). However, in subsequent studies, authors found no association between AAT deficiency and the development of inflammation (26-29).
In view of the high prevalence of patients with SPINK1 and PRSS1 mutations and conflicting results of previous studies we decided to evaluate the association between alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and the development of CP, ARP and acute pancreatitis (AP) in a large single-centre group of paediatric patients.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the significance of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in children with chronic, acute recurrent and acute pancreatitis.
Material and methods
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