© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 9/2016, s. 669-671
Andrzej Książek, *Wojciech T. Załuska
The body fluid monitoring during hemodialysis using bioimpedance techniques in end-stage renal patients
Ocena stanu nawodnienia w czasie zabiegu hemodializy za pomocą techniki bioimpedancji elektrycznej u pacjentów ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek
Department of Nephrology, Medical University of Lublin
Head of Department: Professor Andrzej Książek, MD, PhD
Schyłkowa niewydolność nerek wpływa na istotny wzrost ryzyka zgonu oraz wystąpienia powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych w tej grupie pacjentów. Niekontrolowany stan nawodnienia w populacji pacjentów hemodializowanych jest związany z ryzykiem wystąpienia nadciśnienia tętniczego, hipotonii śróddializacyjnej oraz takich objawów jak: obrzęki, niewydolność krążenia oraz przerost lewej komory mięśnia sercowego. Rutynowa ocena wielkości przewodnienia może stwarzać problemy w codziennej praktyce klinicznej. Monitorowanie stanu relatywnych zmian objętości osocza, ultrasonograficznej oceny żyły próżnej dolnej oraz biochemicznych markerów nie stanowi narzędzi do precyzyjnej oceny wielkości przestrzeni zewnątrzkomórkowej (ECW) oraz stanu nawodnienia. Niezwykle ważnym zagadnieniem w praktyce jest zrozumienie zależności pomiędzy stanem odżywienia a stanem nawodnienia oraz ich wpływu na okres przeżycia pacjentów dializowanych. Technika bioimpedancji elektrycznej jest postulowana do wykorzystania w rutynowej ocenie stanu nawodnienia w populacji pacjentów hemodializowanych. Zarówno rutynowa ocena kliniczna, jak i pomiary bioimpedancyjne stanu nawodnienia powinny służyć podejmowaniu finalnych decyzji terapeutycznych.
End stage kidney disease (ESKD) substantially increases the risks of death and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Uncontrolled status of hydration in HD patients population is associated with the occurrence of arterial hypertension, dialysis associated hypotension and other symptoms and signs including pulmonary and peripheral edema, heart failure, and left ventricular hypertrophy. However, assessment of fluid overload can be difficult in clinical practice. Relative blood volume monitoring, measurement of inferior vena cava diameter by ultrasound and biochemical markers are indirect methods, which do not reflect the ECV and fluid status accurately. There is very important to help us understand the association between clinical practices and hydration and nutritional status, and their effects on dialysis patient outcome.
The bioimpedance spectroscopy techniques are postulate as very useful methods for routinely monitoring of hydration status in hemodialysis population. Both routine clinical appreciation and bioimpedance should be combined in clinical decision-making on hydration status.

Non-euvolaemia in HD patients is associated with elevated mortality risk. Achievement of a normal hydration state is one of the major targets of hemodialysis (HD) therapy. An abnormal hydration state has been associated with arterial hypertension, dialysis associated hypotension and other symptoms and signs include pulmonary and peripheral edema, heart failure, left ventricular hypertrophy and other adverse cardiovascular events. To determine the hydration state clinical surrogate parameters are used such as interdialytic weight gain, ultrafiltration rate or blood pressure. Several authors have reported an important improvement in cardiac conditions by volume optimal monitoring strategy in HD patients. Charra and Chazot (1) and Ozkahya et al. (2) studies have shown that a strict volume control strategy decreases blood pressure (BP) without drugs, causes regression of LVH, and prolongs survival. Kalantar-Zadeh et al. examined 2-year mortality in 34,107 hemodialysis patients across the United States who had an average weight gain of at least 0.5 kg above their end-dialysis dry weight by the time the subsequent hemodialysis treatment started. They concluded, that, the greater fluid retention between 2 subsequent hemodialysis treatment sessions is associated with higher risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death (3).
Bioimpedance techniques for assessment of fluid status in hemodialysis population
Bioimpedance technology is based on passing a bioelectrical current through the body, and it estimates the body fluid volume by the amount of resistance this current endures in the body tissues. The bioelectrical current used in these devices can have segmental, spectral, or multi-bioelectrical frequencies. At present time, available bioimpedance techniques are generally classified using different frequency spectrum: the first option is the single frequency at 50 kHz or other current frequency bioimpedance (BI) analysis (SF-BIA), the multifrequency BI analysis using more than one frequency (e.g., 5, 50, and 100 kHz) and finally multifrequency BI spectroscopy (MF-BIS) using a range of frequencies such as 5 kHz to 1000 kHz to measure extracellular and intracellular resistance by Cole model. Two options for practical measurement of hydration status is based on whole body (wrist to ankle) measurements, or segmental (arm, trunk, and leg) measurements including calf BI spectroscopy (4, 5). The widely useful BIS technique, especially in European dialysis units is the body composition monitor (BCM) is based on a whole-body BI model, which is established with ECV, ICV, and body weight based on parameters from regression analysis in HSs to calculate fluid overload (FO) in dialysis patients. Webel et al. reported usefulness of the model in a clinical study with BCM guiding the reduction of FO in five hundred HD patients to achieve normal blood pressure (6). Raimann et al. compared the study of 49 HD patients of a single and multifrequency-BIA to direct estimation methods using isotope technique of TBW, ECF, and ICF in 49 hemodialysis patients. Comparisons of indirect methods (IEMs) to DEMs showed no significant differences and proportional errors (7).
Clinical observational studies for the monitoring of hydration status in hemodialysis patients using bioimpedance techniques
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