© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 4/2017, s. 213-217
*Michał Sojka1, Jan Sobstyl1, Andrzej Wolski2, Paweł Bernat2, Radosław Krupiński2, Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska1
Popliteal artery stenting in the peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremity treatment – assessment of the effectiveness and durability of the endovascular treatment
Stentowanie tętnicy podkolanowej w leczeniu choroby tętnic obwodowych kończyn dolnych – ocena skuteczności i trwałości leczenia wewnątrznaczyniowego
1Department of Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, Medical University in Lublin
Head of Department: Professor Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska, MD, PhD
2Department of Vascular Surgery, University Hospital No. 4 in Lublin
Head of Department: Andrzej Wolski, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Choroba tętnic obwodowych (ChTO) kończyn dolnych dotyczy 30% populacji powyżej 70. roku życia, jak również młodszych ze współistniejącymi czynnikami ryzyka rozwoju ChTO. Leczenie wewnątrznaczyniowe stanowi obecnie główny sposób postępowania w ChTO kończyn dolnych. Niekorzystne warunki anatomiczne tętnicy podkolanowej stanowią szczególne wyzwanie dla leczenia wewnątrznaczyniowego.
Cel pracy. Ocena skuteczności i trwałości leczenia wewnątrznaczyniowego z implantacją stentu tętnicy podkolanowej.
Materiał i metody. Pomiędzy marcem 2012 a październikiem 2015 roku wykonano zabieg angioplastyki z implantacją stentu u 24 chorych z niedrożnością/zwężeniem tętnicy podkolanowej. We wszystkich zabiegach użyto stentu Gore® Tigris®. Kontrolne badanie USG Doppler wykonano po 6 i 12 miesiącach od zabiegu.
Wyniki. Całkowita niedrożność tętnicy podkolanowej występowała u 9 chorych, u wszystkich pozostałych obserwowano zwężenia istotne hemodynamicznie – stopień zwężenia wynosił średnio 89,1 ± 6,3%. Sukces techniczny zabiegu osiągnięto u wszystkich chorych. Spośród 24 pacjentów, 23 zgłosiło się na badania kontrolne po 6 i 12 miesiącach od zabiegu. Częstość występowania restenozy w stencie wyniosła 13,04%. Drożność stentu uzyskano u 91,30% chorych po 6 miesiącach od implantacji stentu i 86,96% po 12 miesiącach od zabiegu.
Wnioski. Zastosowanie stentu Gore® Tigris® w leczeniu wewnątrznaczyniowym ChTO obejmujących tętnicę podkolanową jest skuteczną i bezpieczną alternatywą z zadowalającą trwałością leczenia.
Introduction. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) of the lower extremity affects up to 30% patients over 70 years of age or younger with a concurrent risk factors of the PAD development. The endovascular interventions has become the principal strategy for the lower extremity PAD treatment. The distinctive anatomical features of the popliteal artery, makes this segment particularly challenging for the endovascular treatment.
Aim. Assessment of the effectiveness and durability of the endovascular treatment with the stent implantation of the popliteal artery lesions.
Material and methods. Between March 2012 and October 2015, 24 patients with popliteal artery lesions underwent angioplasty with a stent implantation. All procedures were performed with Gore® Tigris® Vascular Stent. Patients were assessed with Doppler ultrasound during the follow-up at 6 and 12 months after the procedure.
Results. Total occlusion of the popliteal artery was observed in 9 patients. Other lesions were all hemodynamically significant, with the mean degree of stenosis of 89.1 ± 6.3%. The technical success of the procedure was noted in all cases. Out of 24 patients, 23 completed the follow-up at 12 months, with the in-stent restenosis rate of 13.04%. The primary patency rate was 91.30% in 6 months after the stent implantation, and 86.96% in 12 months after the procedure.
Conclusions. Gore® Tigris® Vascular Stent is an effective and safe option in the endovascular management of the atherosclerotic lesions in popliteal artery with a satisfactory durability of the treatment.

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) of the lower extremity affects up to 30% patients over 70 years of age or younger (50-69 years of age) with a concurrent PAD risk factors like diabetes or cigarette smoking. Interventional treatment indications are intermittent claudication at the distance of less than 200 meters (or more if it affects the quality of life) or critical limb ischemia (CLI). The latter is defined as the chronic ischemic rest pain, ulcers or gangrene in one or both legs, and is the most advanced stage of the lower extremity PAD (1).
Comparing to lower extremity bypass surgery, peripheral vascular interventions are characterized by lower procedural morbidity and mortality, fewer 30-day procedural complications, higher revascularization rates at 1 and 3 years, reduced costs, shortened hospital lengths of stay, and equal amputation rates. Due to the above comparison, the endovascular interventions has become the principal strategy for the lower extremity PAD treatment (2).
According to the TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC) guidelines concerning popliteal artery disease, the endovascular revascularization is the treatment of choice for the TASC A lesions. TASC B and TASC C lesions are also suitable for the endovascular treatment if performed by the experienced operator (3). However, the distinctive anatomical features of the popliteal artery, its exposition to high mechanical forces, flexion and extension as a result of the course alongside the knee joint, makes this segment particularly challenging for the endovascular treatment (4). In most cases it is possible to perform revascularization of the popliteal artery without leaving any permanent implant. The percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, directional atherectomy, cryoplasty, focal force angioplasty and drug-coated balloons are the treatment techniques used in this condition. Nevertheless, above strategies occasionally occur insufficient and when residual stenosis, early elastic recoil or flow-limiting dissection is observed, stent implantation remains the last treatment option before surgical treatment. Before the advent of the new devices, the results of the popliteal artery stent implantation were unfavorable. Tigris® Vascular Stent (W.L. Gore, Flagstaff, USA), BioMimics 3D® Stent (Veryan, West Sussex, UK), Supera® Stent (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA, USA) and S.M.A.R.T.® Flex Vascular Stent System (Cordis Corporation, Hialeah, FL, USA) are the new generation stents which characterize as more flexible and fracture resistant, designed to give an opportunity to treat the popliteal artery disease and avoid the surgery (5).
Assessment of the effectiveness and durability of the endovascular treatment with the stent implantation of the popliteal artery lesions.
Material and methods
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