© Borgis - Nowa Stomatologia 3/2017, s. 142-147
*Renata Chałas1, Elżbieta Bołtacz-Rzepkowska2, Joanna Bagińska3, Anna Kwiatkowska4, Milena Marcinkowska-Ziemak4, Agnieszka Mielczarek4
Impaired salivary secretion in adults. The role of saliva in the control of caries – a literature review. Expert opinion of the Working Group for the Prevention of Caries in the Adult Population
Zaburzenia wydzielania śliny u osób dorosłych. Rola śliny w kontroli choroby próchnicowej – przegląd literatury. Stanowisko grupy roboczej ds. zapobiegania próchnicy w populacji osób dorosłych
1Department of Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics, Medical University of Lublin
Acting Head of Department: Barbara Tymczyna, MD, PhD
2Department of Conservative Dentistry, Medical University of Łódź
Head of Department: Elżbieta Bołtacz-Rzepkowska, MD, PhD
3Department of Dentistry Propaedeutics, Medical University of Białystok
Head of Department: Anna Kierklo, MD, PhD
4Department of Conservative Dentistry, Medical University of Warsaw
Head of Department: Agnieszka Mielczarek, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Szeroka wiedza na temat funkcji śliny oraz złożoności procesów zachodzących w jamie ustnej jednoznacznie sugeruje, że zaburzenia jej wydzielania mogą doprowadzić do szeregu zmian patologicznych.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było przedstawienie aktualnych danych na temat roli śliny w kontroli procesu próchnicowego w populacji osób dorosłych, z uwzględnieniem zjawiska coraz częściej występującej kserostomii.
Materiał i metody. W opracowaniu dokonano przeglądu badań naukowych oceniających związek pomiędzy wybranymi składnikami śliny a występowaniem choroby próchnicowej u osób dorosłych.
Wyniki. Analizowane wyniki badań potwierdziły, że główną przyczyną zaburzeń wydzielania śliny w grupie osób dorosłych jest powszechna farmakoterapia związana z leczeniem chorób ogólnoustrojowych. Niedobór wydzielanej śliny, a przez to upośledzone właściwości mechaniczne i oczyszczające czy też zmiany w jej parametrach jakościowych przyczyniają się do: wzrostu akumulacji płytki nazębnej, powolnego usuwania cukrów z jamy ustnej oraz rozwoju ognisk próchnicowych. Objawem obniżonego wydzielania śliny mogą być również: zmiany na błonie śluzowej o charakterze zanikowym, zmiany zabarwienia śluzówek, skłonność do owrzodzeń i zapaleń oraz powiększone i bolesne przy dotyku gruczoły ślinowe.
Wnioski. Pacjentów dotkniętych suchością jamy ustnej należy mobilizować do codziennej samokontroli stanu błony śluzowej, jak również twardych tkanek zębów oraz zachęcać do aktywnego udziału w leczeniu dolegliwości zarówno poprzez stosowanie odpowiednich środków, jak również wykształcenie właściwych nawyków powodujących zmniejszenie dolegliwości.
Introduction. Extensive knowledge on the functions of saliva and the complexity of the processes in the oral cavity clearly indicates that impaired salivary secretion can lead to multiple oral pathologies.
Aim. The aim of the study was to present current data on the role of saliva in adults in relation to the increasingly common xerostomia and dental caries control.
Material and methods. An analysis of scientific publications was performed to identify the relationship between salivary factors and dental caries in adults.
Results. Our findings confirm that the widespread use of pharmacotherapy connected with systemic disease treatment is the main reason for disturbances in saliva secretion among adults. Insufficient salivary secretion and, consequently, impaired mechanical and cleaning properties or changes in the qualitative salivary parameters contribute to increased dental plaque accumulation, decreased removal of sugars from the oral cavity and the development of tooth decay. The symptoms of decreased salivary secretion may also include changes of the oral mucosa, such as atrophy, mucosal discoloration, susceptibility to ulceration and inflammation, as well as enlarged salivary glands tender to palpation.
Conclusions. Patients with oral dryness should be encouraged to develop everyday self-control of the state of their oral mucosa and hard tooth tissues as well as to actively participate in the process of treatment through the use of proper products and developing proper habits which can reduce the symptoms.

The oral cavity is the key part of the digestive tract. A healthy oral cavity ensures normal functioning of both all elements of the gastrointestinal tract as well as the whole body. Saliva plays a major role in oral homeostasis. It is composed of an inorganic matrix, which enables to maintain proper pH by coupling the buffering function (pH 6.8-7.2) and organic fraction responsible for, among other things, its rheological properties, such as density, viscosity or surface tension. The key role is played by a large group of salivary polypeptides and proteins. Ptyalin (salivary amylase) and maltase, which are involved in the preliminary hydrolysis of sugars, are particularly worth mentioning. Mucins and proline-rich proteins are responsible for proper food processing and bolus formation. Some mucins, especially those of low molecular weight, are involved in bacterial cell agglutination. Maintaining proper oral mucous membrane moisture, which is important for both normal function of the speech apparatus and the process of taste sensation, is the main role of high molecular weight mucins. Apart from the low molecular weight mucin fraction, lactoferrin and lysozyme also mediate antibacterial activity. Lactoferrin has high affinity for iron ions. The uptake and, consequently, reduction of the levels of iron ions in the oral cavity result in the inhibition of uncontrolled microbial growth. Lysozyme has a hydrolytic activity against the cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria, which are responsible for caries (1-5).
The aim of the study was to present the expert opinion of the Working Group for the Prevention of Caries in the Adult Population of the Polish Chapter of Alliance for the Caries-Free Future (ACFF) on the role of saliva in adults in the aspect of xerostomia and caries control.
Material and methods
A literature review was performed by the Working Group for the Prevention of Caries in the Adult Population of the Polish ACFF Chapter. Its aim was to summarise the current knowledge on impaired salivary production and the role of saliva in the control of caries. Based on the analysis of scientific findings and guidelines, the first version of the principles for the management of patients affected by xerostomia was developed. The document was accepted by the Team of Experts during a conference dated May 12-13, 2017. It will be updated not later than 5 years after publication of the current guidelines.
Knowledge on the composition and functions of saliva presented in the introduction as well as the complexity of the processes in the oral cavity clearly indicates that age-related impairment of salivary secretion can lead to multiple oral pathologies. Xerostomia is one of serious salivary dysfunctions. Any situation of imbalance between salivary secretion and the demand for saliva may be a clinical problem and a source of ailments for the patient.
True xerostomia and pseudo xerostomia may be distinguished. True xerostomia is due to impaired salivary production at morphological and tissue level. Pseudo (symptomatic) xerostomia is observed in patients experiencing subjective dryness and burning sensation in the mucous membrane despite normal secretory function of the salivary glands (6-10).
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