*Marta Jastrzebska-Mierzynska1, Lucyna Ostrowska1, Emilia Duchnowska2, Hady Razak Hady3
Assessment of energy intake and selected nutrients within 6 months after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Ocena spożycia energii oraz wybranych składników odżywczych w okresie 6 miesięcy po zabiegu laparoskopowej rękawowej resekcji żołądka
1Department of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
31st Department of General and Endocrinological Surgery, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Wstęp. Laparoskopowa rękawowa resekcja żołądka jest jedną z najczęściej wykonywanych operacji bariatrycznych. Charakteryzuje się dużą efektywnością w redukcji nadmiernej masy ciała, jednak niesie ze sobą ryzyko powikłań, w tym niedoborów pokarmowych.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena spożycia energii oraz wybranych składników odżywczych w okresie 6 miesięcy po zabiegu rękawowej resekcji żołądka.
Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 48 otyłych osób poddanych laparoskopowej mankietowej resekcji żołądka. Ocenie poddano sposób żywienia pacjentów przed zabiegiem operacyjnym oraz 3 i 6 miesięcy po zabiegu. Ocenę ilościową dziennych racji pokarmowych (dzrp) przeprowadzono metodą 24-godzinnego wywiadu żywieniowego, obejmującego 3 dni poprzedzające badanie (ocena nie obejmowała suplementacji). Wartość energetyczną i odżywczą jadłospisów wyliczono za pomocą programu komputerowego Dieta 5. Analizę statystyczną danych przeprowadzono z zastosowaniem programu Statistica 12. Do porównania danych w poszczególnych okresach wykorzystano test t dla zmiennych niezależnych.
Badanie uzyskało zgodę Komisji Bioetycznej UMB nr R-I-002/525/2010. Każdy pacjent wyraził dobrowolną zgodę na udział w badaniu.
Wyniki. Po 6 miesiącach podaż energii z dietą uległa istotnemu obniżeniu i wynosiła 713,15 ± 232,36 kcal/dobę w grupie kobiet i 972,68 ± 200,48 kcal/dobę w grupie mężczyzn. Ponadto w obu grupach odnotowano istotne obniżenie średniego spożycia białka, tłuszczu, węglowodanów, błonnika pokarmowego oraz witamin: B1, C, A, E i kwasu foliowego oraz Fe, Mg i Zn, które było niewystarczające w stosunku do zapotrzebowania.
Wnioski. Dieta pacjentów we wczesnym okresie pooperacyjnym charakteryzuje się bardzo niską wartością energetyczną oraz jest niedoborowa w białko, węglowodany złożone, niektóre składniki mineralne oraz witaminy. Zasadnym wydaje się więc wprowadzenie rutynowej suplementacji preparatem wysokobiałkowym, preparatem multiwitaminowym, preparatem wapnia oraz witaminy D w przypadku każdego pacjenta poddanego rękawowej resekcji żołądka, przy jednoczesnym monitorowaniu podaży poszczególnych składników odżywczych z dietą.
Introduction. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most frequently performed bariatric procedures. It is characterized by high efficiency in reducing excessive body weight, however, it carries a risk of complications, including nutritional deficiencies.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess energy intake and selected nutrients within 6 months after sleeve gastrectomy.
Material and methods. The study included a group of 48 obese people undergoing laparoscopic cuff gastrectomy. The way of feeding patients before surgery as well as 3 and 6 months after the surgery has been evaluated. The quantitative assessment of daily food rations (dfr) has been conducted using a 24-hour nutritional interview, covering 3 days preceding the study (the assessment did not include supplementation). The energy and nutritional value of menus have been calculated using the computer program Dieta 5. Statistical analysis of the data has been conducted using the Statistica 12 software. To compare the data in individual periods, the t test for independent variables has been used.
The study has been approved by the UMB Bioethics Committee no. R-I-002/525/2010. Each from patients, voluntarily agreed to participate in the study.
Results. After 6 months the energy supply with diet decreased significantly and amounted to 713.15 ± 232.36 kcal/day in the group of women and 972.68 ± 200.48 kcal/day in the group of men. In addition, in both groups there has been a significant reduction in the average consumption of protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and vitamins: B1, C, A, E and folic acid as well as Fe, Mg and Zn, which was insufficient in relation to the demand.
Conclusions. Patients’ diet in the early postoperative period is characterized by a very low energy value and is deficient in protein, complex carbohydrates, some minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it seems reasonable to introduce a routine supplementation with a high-protein preparation, a multivitamin preparation, a calcium preparation and vitamin D for each patient undergoing a sleeve gastrectomy, while monitoring the supply of individual nutrients with the diet.

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most frequently performed bariatric procedures. It is characterized by high efficiency in reducing excessive body weight, however, it carries a risk of complications, including nutritional deficiencies (1, 2). LSG reduces the volume of the stomach, which prevents the patient from consuming large amounts of food. Consuming very small portions of food contributes to an insufficient supply of energy and nutrients in relation to the body’s needs, which leads to the development of nutritional deficiencies.
The aim of the study was to assess energy intake and selected nutrients in the period of 6 months after sleeve gastrectomy.
The study included a group of 48 obese people (32 women and 16 men) undergoing surgical treatment of obesity (laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy). The inclusion criteria were age (18-64 years), BMI (≥ 40 or ≥ 35 kg/m2) and two co-morbidities of obesity. The study excluded patients with tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, severe circulatory and respiratory failure and pregnant women.
The way of feeding patients before surgery as well as 3 and 6 months after was evaluated. The quantitative assessment of daily food rations (dfr) in each of the evaluated periods has been conducted using the 24-hour nutritional interview, covering 3 days preceding the study (the assessment did not include supplementation). The energy and nutritional value of menus has been calculated using the computer program Dieta 5 developed by the Institute of Food and Nutrition (IŻŻ) in Warsaw. At the initial visit and at control visits, measurements of height and weight have been made. The BMI index has been calculated for each patient.
Statistical analysis of data (mean values, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values) has been conducted using the Statistica 12 software. To compare data in particular periods, the t test for independent variables has been used. Statistically significant results were those where p ≤ 0.05.
The study has been approved by the UMB Bioethics Committee no. R-I-002/525/2010. Each from patients, voluntarily agreed to participate in the study.
Before the surgery, the average body mass and average BMI in the group of women have been respectively 117.26 ± 21.54 kg and 44.55 ± 9.55 kg/m2 and in the group of men 137.25 ± 27.19 kg and 45.58 ± 10.19 kg/m2. Both, 3 and 6 months after surgery, both groups experienced a significant reduction. The results are presented in tables 1 and 2.
Tab. 1. Anthropometric measurements of women prior to the surgery, 3 and 6 months after the surgery
| Prior to surgery | 3 months after surgery | 6 months after surgery |
Mean ± SD (range) | Mean ± SD (range) | Mean ± SD (range) |
Age (years) | 39.43 ± 8.73 (25.00-57.00) |
Height (cm) | 164.56 ± 6.82 (153.00-175.00) |
Body weight (kg) | 117.26 ± 21.54 (82.00-169.90) | 98.67 ± 21.20* (65.50-148.60) | 91.90 ± 19.03* (59.00-141.50) |
BMI (kg/m2) | 44.55 ± 9.55 (32.8-72.6) | 36.65 ± 9.12* (26.2-63.47) | 34.0 ± 8.96* (23.63-60.4) |
*statistical significance p < 0.05 in comparison to initial values (before the surgery)
Tab. 2. Anthropometric measurements of men prior to the surgery, 3 and 6 months after the surgery
| Prior to surgery | 3 months after surgery | 6 months after surgery |
Mean ± SD (range) | Mean ± SD (range) | Mean ± SD (range) |
Age (years) | 47.12 ± 9.95 (29.00-62.00) |
Height (cm) | 174.87 ± 5.32 (164.00-182.00) |
Body weight (kg) | 137.25 ± 27.19 (101.00-175.00) | 116.97 ± 21.18* (88.00-152.20) | 111.43 ± 26.16* (81.50-156.10) |
BMI (kg/m2) | 45.58 ± 10.19 (32.6-60.5) | 38.31 ± 7.25* (31.8-52.6) | 36.69 ± 9.04* (28.7-53.97) |
*statistical significance p < 0.05 in comparison to initial values (before the surgery)
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