Katarzyna Pogorzelczyk1, *Daniel Slezak2, Marlena Robakowska3, Przemyslaw Zuratynski2, Kamil Krzyzanowski2, Rafal Szczepanski2, Sylwia Jaltuszewska4
Legal aspect of AED use
Aspekt prawny użycia AED
1Emergency of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
2Department of Medical Rescue, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
3Department of Public Health and Social Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
4Department of Medical Rescue, Institute of Health Sciences, Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk, Poland
Wstęp. W 2000 roku na terenie Polski wprowadzono program PAD (Powszechny Dostęp do Defibrylacji). Według głównych założeń programu, zważając na specyfikę nagłego zatrzymania krążenia, a więc jego nieprzewidywalność, najważniejsze jest zagwarantowanie jak najszybszego i najłatwiejszego dostępu do aparatury AED w warunkach pozaszpitalnych.
Cel pracy. Głównym celem pracy było przeanalizowanie najważniejszych aktów prawnych stanowiących o możliwości korzystania z AED w przypadku wystąpienia NZK pod kątem ewentualnych ograniczeń czy ułatwień ustanowionych przez ww. teksty legislacyjne.
Materiał i metody. Materiałami wykorzystanymi w artykule były ujednolicone akty prawne opublikowane w Dzienniku Ustaw oraz literatura branżowa skupiona na aspektach prawnych wykorzystania AED. W pracy wykonano analizę treści ww. publikacji. Skupiono się na wyszczególnieniu zagadnień czy stanowisk mówiących o prawnych aspektach korzystania z defibrylatorów zewnętrznych w przestrzeni publicznej. Wybrane akty legislacyjne w sposób bezpośredni nawiązują zarówno do środowiska, jak i omawianego zagadnienia.
Wyniki. Coraz szersze oraz bardziej powszechne lokalizowanie aparatur defibrylatorów w przestrzeni publicznej przyczyniło się do powstania swoistego rozdźwięku pomiędzy dwoma aspektami towarzyszącymi: 1. niesieniem pomocy osobom zagrożonym, wykorzystując osiągnięcia technologii medycznej a 2. uwarunkowaniami prawnymi.
Wnioski. Bazowanie na kilku aktach prawnych, które stanowią o zupełnie różnych aspektach wykorzystania aparatury AED (aparaturze jako wyrobie medycznym, konieczności podjęcia działań z zakresu pierwszej pomocy itd.), nie przyczynia się do wzrostu zainteresowania wśród społeczeństwa udzieleniem pomocy poszkodowanemu z użyciem defibrylatora. Interpretacja przepisów pojedynczych ustaw nie stanowi o powadze analizowanego zagadnienia.
Introduction. In 2000 the PAD (Universal Access to Defibrillation) program was introduced in Poland. According to the main assumptions of the programme, considering the specificity of sudden cardiac arrest, i.e. its unpredictability, the most important is to guarantee the fastest and easiest possible access to AED equipment in non-hospital conditions.
Aim. The main objective of the study was to analyse the most important legal acts providing for the possibility to use the AED in case of SCA in terms of possible limitations or facilitations established by the above mentioned legislative texts.
Material and methods. The materials used in the paper were unified legal acts published in the Journal of Laws and industry literature focused on the legal aspects of using the AED. The paper analyses the content of the above mentioned publications. It focused on the specification of issues or standpoints concerning legal aspects of the use of external defibrillators in public space. Selected legislative acts directly relate to the environment and the discussed issue.
Results. The increasingly widespread and widespread location of defibrillator apparatus in public spaces has contributed to a kind of rift between the two aspects: 1. providing assistance to people at risk, using advances in medical technology, 2. legal conditions.
Conclusions. Based on several pieces of legislation that provide for completely different aspects of the use of AEDs (the device as a medical device, the need for first-aid measures, etc.), it does not increase public interest in helping a defibrillator victim. The interpretation of individual laws does not determine the seriousness of the analyzed issue.

In 2000, the PAD (Universal Access to Defibrillation) program was introduced in Poland. According to the main assumptions of the programme, considering the specificity of sudden cardiac arrest, i.e. its unpredictability, the most important thing is to guarantee the quickest and easiest possible access to AED (Automated External Defibrillator) equipment in non-hospital conditions. This involves installing as many AEDs as possible in a public space, and organizing numerous first aid promotional and educational activities using automatic external defibrillator equipment for sudden cardiac arrest.
Increasing the level of knowledge and awareness of the AED itself, as well as the positive consequences of using it, is a guarantee of the success of any such activities. The PAD also organizes actions aimed at legislative changes. The amendments are to define various aspects of operation and use of AEDs in public space (1). Despite the passage of 20 years since the beginning of PAD in Poland, activities within the country are described as unsatisfactory. The situation on the international arena looks very different depending on the discussed region.
At present, the issues of AED use, identification of persons who can undertake assistance with the use of the device, consequences of not providing it and its incorrect form of use are determined by three acts (Medical Emergency Service, Medical Devices and the Penal Code). The following work analyses the above mentioned legal acts determining the level of adopted regulations.
As the main objective of the work, the analysis of the most important legal acts constituting the possibility of using the AED in case of occurrence of the SCA in terms of possible limitations or facilitations established by the above mentioned legislative texts. Additionally, a side-objective was to compare the domestic situation with foreign legal conditions.
Material and methods
The materials used in this paper were unified legal acts published in the Journal of Laws and industry literature focused on the legal aspects of the use of AED. The legislative acts covered by the study included the Act of 8 September 2006 on the State Medical Emergency Service, the Act of 20 May 2010 on Medical Devices, the Criminal Code. These acts treat directly the essence of the medical device or legal consequences of, inter alia, failure to take first aid measures. The group of scientific publications included in the paper below is a review or discussion of legal legislation in the context of AED use in foreign countries.
The paper analyses the content of the above-mentioned publication. It focused on the specification of issues or standpoints that speak of legal aspects of using external defibrillators in public space. Selected legislative acts directly refer to the environment and the discussed issue. Scientific publications were searched using bibliographic databases, i.e.: PubMed, Scopus, Elsevier. The search results were narrowed down to the group of publications from 2016-2020. A high level of citation of a given record was also established as a selection criterion.
More and more widespread location of defibrillator apparatus in the public space has contributed to a kind of rift between the two accompanying aspects:
1. providing assistance to people at risk using medical technology,
2. legal conditions (2, 3).
According to the idea accompanying the introduction of the PAD in Poland, the availability of the AED should not be hindered for a witness of a health emergency so that help can be provided to the victim without delay. The process consisting of: assessment of the patient’s condition, location of the equipment, transport of the equipment to the accident site, preparation for action and finally heart rate analysis should not be longer than 3-5 minutes in the urban space (2). Considering the specificity of non-hospital SCA (i.e. impossibility to predict who, where and when will be affected), the programme is addressed mainly to ordinary citizens, casual outsiders, i.e. witnesses of the event, also people without medical education (4).
Art. 2 pt. Article 2 (38) of the Medical Devices Act, according to which the AED is a medicinal product, as early as in 2005, has ambiguously defined the legal status of such devices (5). The Act also questioned the possibility of using this device by casual persons without appropriate competence (5). This problem was solved thanks to a strong position of the medical community. Numerous petitions and letters urged the legislator to uniformly regulate the legal aspects of the use of AED in Poland. Thanks to the involvement of numerous medical communities, the situation is now clearer (6).
At present, the main legal regulations in the field of pre-medical first aid using AED equipment are the provisions of the Act on State Medical Emergency Services and the Act on Medical Devices.
As it results from the above mentioned Emergency Medical Services Act, in the case of life and health threatening conditions, three ranges of assistance provided to the injured person are distinguished (7):
Powyżej zamieściliśmy fragment artykułu, do którego możesz uzyskać pełny dostęp.
Mam kod dostępu
- Aby uzyskać płatny dostęp do pełnej treści powyższego artykułu albo wszystkich artykułów (w zależności od wybranej opcji), należy wprowadzić kod.
- Wprowadzając kod, akceptują Państwo treść Regulaminu oraz potwierdzają zapoznanie się z nim.
- Aby kupić kod proszę skorzystać z jednej z poniższych opcji.
Opcja #1
29 zł
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uzyskany kod musi być wprowadzony na stronie artykułu, do którego został wykupiony
Opcja #2
69 zł
- dostęp do tego i pozostałych ponad 7000 artykułów
- dostęp na 30 dni
- najpopularniejsza opcja
Opcja #3
129 zł
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- oszczędzasz 78 zł
1. ParaMedica Polska: PAD – Public Access Defibrillation. System powszechnej defibrylacji półautomatycznej w miejscach publicznych; https://www.paramedica.pl/doc/PAD%20Public%20Access%20Defibrillation%2003%202011%20wer_%2001.pdf.
2. Aspekt prawny użycia AED w pierwszej pomocy; https://www.centrumratownictwa.com/blog/aspekt-prawny-uzycia-aed-w-pierwszej-pomocy (data dostępu: 19.05.2020).
3. Dz. U. 1997, nr 88, poz. 553. Kodeks karny, Ust. z dnia 6 czerwca 1997 r.
4. Defibrylatory w miejscach publicznych. Program PAD – Projekt AED; https://projektaed.pl/fundacja/program-pad/?gclid=CjwKCAjwh472BRAGEiwAvHVfGqY5Ioe46NOjOjXw3lvZ4uhzDsq8K4PM3iXL2umUig5GVLYH4FkDIRoCAToQAvD_BwE (data dostępu: 19.05.2020).
5. Dz. U. 2010, nr 107, poz. 679, Ust. z dnia 20 maja 2010 r. o wyrobach medycznych.
6. List konsultanta krajowego w dziedzinie kardiologii prof. dr. hab. n. med. Grzegorza Opolskiego do Dyrektora Departamentu Prawnego Ministerstwa Zdrowia RP z dnia 20.05.2004 r. oraz stanowisko prof. dr. hab. n. med. Janusza Andresa Prezesa Polskiej Rady.
7. Dz. U. 2006, nr 191, poz. 1410, Ust. z dnia 8 września 2006 r. o Państwowym Ratownictwie Medycznym.
8. Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) Program, First Aid & CPR Training. Middlesex-London EMS; https://www.mlems.ca/ems-services/public-access-defibrillators (data dostępu: 19.05.2020).
9. Fredman D: Placement of automated external defibrillators and logistics to facilitate early defibrillation in sudden cardiac arrest. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 2018.
10. Mitamura H, Iwami T, Mitani Y et al.: Aiming for Zero Deaths: Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death in Schools. Circ Journal Of J Japanese Circ Soc 2015; 79. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-15-0453.
11. AED Defibrillator State Laws & Legislation – Learn AED Laws in Your Area!; https://www.aedbrands.com/resource-center/choose/aed-state-laws/ (data dostępu: 22.05.2020).
12. Wei Y, Pek PP, Doble B et al.: Strategies to improve survival outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) given a fixed budget: A simulation study. Resuscitation 2019; 149: 39-46.