*Rafał Przybylski, Paulina Malinowska
Faecal incontinence after surgical treatment of urinary incontinence – case report
Nietrzymanie stolca po operacji nietrzymania moczu – opis przypadku
Warszawski Ośrodek Proktologii, Szpital św. Elżbiety w Warszawie
Autorzy przedstawiają przypadek rzadkiego powikłania po operacji ginekologicznej w postaci inkontynencji stolca, która wystąpiła u 34-letniej pacjentki po dwukrotnej operacji z plastyką tylnej ściany pochwy wykonanej z powodu nietrzymania moczu.
Kobieta była operowana dwukrotnie w ciągu pół roku z powodu nieustąpienia objawów nietrzymania moczu po pierwszej operacji. Inkontynencja gazów i stolca wystąpiła po drugim zabiegu, po którym całkowicie ustąpiło nietrzymanie moczu.
U pacjentki zdiagnozowano neurogenną przyczynę nietrzymania stolca. Wobec braku wskazań do leczenia chirurgicznego zastosowano specjalistyczne leczenie rehabilitacyjne. Po roku terapii uzyskano całkowite ustąpienie dolegliwości.
Inkontynencja gazów i stolca po operacyjnej plastyce tylnej ściany pochwy jest powikłaniem rzadkim. Przy braku uszkodzeń strukturalnych zwieraczy postępowaniem terapeutycznym z wyboru jest fizykoterapia w ośrodku referencyjnym.
We present a case of faecal incontinence developed as a rare complication after gynaecological surgery in a 34-year-old patient after repeated posterior repair due to urinary incontinence.
The woman underwent two surgeries over six months due to the lack of improvement in urinary incontinence after the first procedure. Although the second surgery led to complete resolution of urinary incontinence, it was complicated by gas and faecal incontinence.
The patient was diagnosed with neurogenic faecal incontinence. Due to the lack of indications for surgery, specialised physiotherapy was initiated. The symptoms fully resolved after a year of treatment. Gas and faecal incontinence is a rare complication of posterior repair. If no structural sphincter damage is found, physical therapy in a reference centre is the treatment of choice.

Faecal incontinence (FI) is a rare and serious complication of gynaecological surgical treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). It may occur after posterior vaginal wall and perineal body repair (posterior colporrhaphy and perineorrhaphy) with levator ani plication (1). We present a case of faecal incontinence, which occurred in a 34-year-old patient as a complication after repeated posterior repair.
Case report
A 34-year-old patient with a history of two childbirths and stress postpartum urinary incontinence (the first delivery ended with the use of a vacuum extractor device after a prolonged second stage of labour, the second pregnancy was terminated with caesarean section), with a negative history of other chronic diseases, was qualified for surgical treatment by her gynaecologist.
The preoperative diagnosis included “perineal failure: third-degree pelvic organ prolapse (lowering of the uterus beyond the vaginal vestibule), cervical hypertrophy and prolapse, cystocele, rectocele”.
The Manchester surgery (2, 3), i.e. cervical conization with suturing of the cervical stump to the cardinal ligament and the uterosacral ligament, anterior and posterior vaginal wall repair and perineal repair were performed. It was pointed out in the description of the procedure that “three stitches were placed on the levator ani muscles”. After the procedure, a good repair outcome was achieved. Gas and faecal continence was normal, as before the surgery, but the patient noticed no improvement in urinary continence.
Due to the lack of therapeutic effect after 4 months, the patient was qualified for another surgical procedure. The urethra was supported with a polypropylene tape passed through the obturator holes using the transobturator tape (TOT) method; posterior and perineal repair was performed again with levator ani suturing. After the procedure, stress urinary incontinence resolved completely, but symptoms of gas and faecal incontinence appeared already in the early postoperative period.
Using the Wexner scale (0-20), the patient rated her FI as 20, which means the need for constant use of disposable devices. This prevented the patient not only from resuming work, but also from performing everyday activities, thus significantly reducing her quality of her life.
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