© Borgis - New Medicine 4/2007, s. 96-97
*Lechosław P. Chmielik, Wojciech Boratyński1
Ganglioma of the base of the nose in children
Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
Head of Department: Prof. Mieczysław Chmielik, MD, PhD
1Children´s Hospital of Medical University, Warsaw, Poland
Nasal tumors in children are a rare pathological occurrence. The most common is a cyst of the dorsum of the nose, other tumors being rare. The most common is a cyst of the dorsum of the nose. Every change in the base of the nose may differ from a encephalomeningocele, and we can include lipoma, fibroma, chondroma, and teratoma. Our choice of subject is based on the fact that congenital ganglioma appears most often in the area of the cerebral cranium other areas being very rare.
The authors describe a case of congenital ganglioma in a five-month-old female, operated on in the Children´s Otolaryngological Clinic in Warsaw.
On an MRI scan, a growth in the area of the base was found to have no communication with the main nervous system. The child was classified as requiring surgical correction, via an arched cut on the side wall of the nose. In mid-operation, a hard growth connected with the skin was discovered. A histological check identified a congenital ganglioma. There was some loss of feeling around the operative site in the post-operative period, but this rectified itself.
Nasal tumors in children are a rare pathological occurrence. The most common is a cyst of the dorsum of the nose, other tumors being rare. The most common is a cyst of the dorsum of the nose. Every change in the base of the nose may differ from a encephalomeningocele, and we can include lipoma, fibroma, chondroma, and teratoma.
Our choice of subject is based on the fact that congenital ganglioma appears most often in the area of the cerebral cranium other areas being very rare.
The authors describe a case of congenital ganglioma in a five-month-old female, operated on in the Children´s Otolaryngological Clinic in Warsaw.
On an MRI scan, a growth in the area of the base was found to have no communication with the main nervous system. The child was classified as requiring surgical correction, via an arched cut on the side wall of the nose. In mid-operation, a hard growth connected with the skin was discovered. A histological check identified a congenital ganglioma. There was some loss of feeling around the operative site in the post-operative period, but this rectified itself.

Fig. 1. MRI of the ganglioma of the base of the nose (MRI).

Fig. 2. Foto of the ganglioma of the base of the nose in children
1. The diagnosis of growths in the base of the nose requires a range of diagnostic processes, particularly individuals with rare illnesses.
2. Surgical correction is the choice in cases of congenital ganglioma.
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